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  • #16081

    Hi Jliu168… Wow! I feel bad for your Dad. Those psychotic Medication can do a number on you. It doesn’t take much of a dosage either. Shrinkage of those tumors would be great news. I see Nuero Surgeon for consult tomorrow. Just want to explore and know my options if this tumor that was tickling my spinal nerves putting it mildly, decides trying to come back. Radiologist Oncologist feels confident radiation put it out of it’s misery. Hopefully a few more days and the sunburn effect will be gone. Take care to you both.
    Jeff G.


    Hi JeffG,

    Thanks for your advice and sorry for late reply. You are right Necrosis can be good / bad. I checked with the doctor and he said that in tumors case this happens before shrinkage, so hopefully on our next MRI we will have some shrinkage. I also asked him about GANGERENE and he will monitor the situation. Many thanks for your advice.

    It has been a roller coaster ride for us all. We were at the hospital past two days as my dad was convinced something wrong with his stomach. After an endoscopy they found some mild infection (not ulcer yet), and this is what might be causing his discomfort in addition to gas. The hiccups started after his DECADRON / GEMZAR, and then the doctors decided to try 1/4 (25mg) of CHLORPROMZINE! And let me tell you all this, DO NOT TAKE THIS MEDICINE. It sent my dad into basic rage / anxiety for about 3 hours until he was finally able to calm down and rest. He is now sleeping and hopefully this medication will be out of his system. It is an anti-psychotic drug, but if you are not psychotic or schizophrenic (pardon sp), then recommend you not to take this at all! Try something else, i.e. alka seltzer or anything, but this drug is absoulte nightmare.

    As for CA 19-9, doctors think that although it might be some indication of tumor activity, but I think other effects, such as infection can cause this to go up and down. We are ignoring it for now, my dads at 1305, and going with the 2 month MRI / CT Scans for confirmation. Would like to see what other’s CA19-9 levels are like and how they have gone up / down???

    Sorry about the rambling but had to take it out somewhere!


    Hi Jliu168… I’m sorry to hear things are getting confusing. Hopefully your doctor will come back with a plan of action. Necrosis can be good or can be not so good from my research. I don’t want to alarm you but if necrosis is happening and if it isn’t being cleaned out of the body’s system by certain enzymes it can become gangerene. My Mom had this happen to her gallbladder. Luckly they caught it early enough and removed the gallbladder before it spread to other organs. I read that necrosis caused other than by the body’s natural cell death can spread. I think the only sure way of stopping it is by some type of freezing and removal. Maybe CT guided or scope surgery. I guess If it was me I would be saying it’s time to remove before infection /gangerene sets in. Please forgive me for being so straight forward but your Dad has come a long way with your help and I just feel the doc needs to think outside of the box a little on this one which it sounds like he is doing. I hope I understood your post correctly and am not out in left field somewhere. Hope a plan of attack is sorted out real soon. Prayers to you both!
    Jeff G.


    Dear All,

    We have had some good news / bad news and really do not know what to make of it! Originally I had thought we were in the better area when my Dad’s CA 19-9 dropped to 134 from 1450 last month. This week we had MRI results / CA 19-9 results and as follows;

    MRI, no new lesions, no shrinkage, however doctors report some lesions / tumors look like middle have been “necrosized” in other words he said had a “rotten center.” So sounded like some positive news.

    CA 19-9, went from 134 back up to 1305.

    Doctors are a bit stressed and now thinking of switching regimen to Avastin / Gemzar. I am obviously quite depressed, as we had such good news for the last month or so and was hoping for better tumor marker. My dad’s general condition is very good wtih no weight loss, good energy and even 45 mins on the treadmill 5x a week. Oncologist says let him think it over the weekend, but really worried as afraid of running out of options. People have said CA 19-9 not a really good marker, but Docs said in my dad’s case he’s pretty sensitive to this marker, so need to take it into account. That is it for now and if any suggestions please let us know.


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