Update on mom

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Update on mom

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    I agree with Lainy. Palliative care isn’t an ending point. Your mom sounds like a fighter. I know it is so hard to see her go through all of this. You want her to feel well. I understand that, for sure. I’m wondering why your mom hadn’t been take off the cumaden a while ago? With my dad, that’s one of the first things that was discontinued. It might be necessary to have a second opinion. I hope everything levels out for her soon.


    Dear MN….Are you scheduled to get the second opinion? What kind of doctor is your daughter’s Grandfather and is he experienced with CC? We do understand how hard this is on you but you must pull on your inner strength as your mom should not be using her energy to be the strong one for everyone. Her attitude is wonderful. Also keep in mind that Hospice is not always the end as it is sometimes used to get a patient on their feet again. You can go on and off of it, it’s up to her. You are right not to listen to numbers, they are just numbers. Hope she is feeling much better today.


    As many of you are aware on my posts that my moms chemo of gemzar/oxiplatin was not doing its job and my moms tumors were getting larger. She has had 6 rounds of this. Before this the gemzar/Xeloda and radiation did not do the trick. She was worried because there was one more chemo plan that may help her. We were going in today to let the doctor know that we wanted to wait on the chemo until we were able to get the second opinion. He suggested instead of prolonging and being miserable on the next type of chemo she should look into the quality of her life instead and talked to us about palliative care and hospice. After that they admitted her to the hospital in order to get her blood levels back up. The Cumaden is doing a number on her body and she was bleeding last night. Dr. took her off of it and she is currently in the hospital getting plasma, 4 units of blood and they are going to drain the ascites.

    She is not wanting to give up, she may want to give the next chemo a try knowing that if it doesn’t work after the first couple of rounds it will not work and then focus on palliative care. We have always asked the doctors to not give us a time limit as we want to focus on the positive.

    I know many of you say to not give up and keep fighting…I’m here for you cheerleading abilities right now. This is the second dr that said this to us since Sunday, one of them being my daughters grandfather (other side of the family).

    As always, thanks for your advice and support…I truly would be a complete basketcase without you…right now I am just a small basketcase.

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