Scans look good but cancer markers have increased.

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    Halinamary, I would like to jump in on the Urinary Tract problem. Teddy’s CC had caused his right ureter to close so he was not urinating from the right kidney. We went to a Urologist who put in a tube to keep the ureter open so the kidney could function. I understood that if the ureter shut down the kidney would fail and its a very painful experience. So, I would recommend you see a Urologist. But talk to your Mom’s ONC first.
    As for the Vitamin C IV my daughter’s boyfriend went through that for Lymphoma. He also had some Chemo. He has been in remission for 4 years now but who knows which treatment was the one that worked. Most Insurance Companies will not pay for the Vitamin C and over the 4 year period it cost him quite a lot of money. Best of luck in getting things straightened out.


    Hi Marion,
    Did you find the mistletoe injections and Vitamin C helpful? Did your husband have intraveneous Vitamin C?
    A naturopath physician we visited suggested Mistletoe injections and intraveneous Vitamin C. However, an integrated medicine doctor at Sloan Kettering advised against both. She said the mistletoe can be dangerous and people have dropped dead on it. As for the intraveneous Vitamin C, she said there is no proof it helps.
    I have been thinking though of trying these for my mom. However, having to go a few times a week for the Vitamin C could be rather tiring for her. I just don’t know what is the best thing to do for her.

    Her oncologist suggested trying Tarceva, a targeted medicine, which she thinks my mom may be able to tolerate better than she did the Gemzar. However, there are side effects with the Tarceva as well. I don’t want to do something that could make my mother sick but I want to try something for her if it could help her.

    My mom’s cancer markers keep going up and last week were 15,000.
    Recently, the spreading of the cancer is causing a blockage against the ureter preventing urine to come out of her left kidney to the bladder as it should. For the time being nothing is being done for this unless it becomes problematic.

    Except for the tiredness she is feeling O.K.



    If I may ask,is the last scan is a PET that shows cancer cells light up as hot spots on the scan or just the oncologist’s guess?
    Only PET scan can tell whether the tumors have metastasized or not.
    If the ascites(the abdominal fluids) increased, the doctor can prescribe your mom Lasix and aldactone to help decrease the symptoms.
    If she cannot take chemo Gemzar.(I took it for 14 months),on paper Gemzar is one of the easier chemo to take without major side effects;but as a real patient, I know it better because of both psychological and medicinal reasons can really threw a curve on the patient. But have her try Xeloda by mouth either at full or half dose? Xeloda may be worth considering;ask the oncologist if you still open for the chemo idea.
    If the tumors did not metastasized, radiological treatment like PDT or SBRT still may be the choices for ductal CC like Hilar or Klatskin CC. if your mom can tolerate the treatment;ask the interventional radiologist for consultation.

    My suggestions are based on what your description about your mom’s case on the message you posted on the 9/7/2011. and it seems -there are still treatment choices available out there and 2nd opinion for interventional radiation may be a good idea.
    God bless


    Thanks Gavin,

    I am looking alot on those sights. I did ask her oncologist about meds for the fluid in her abdomen as you mentioned and was told there isn’t anything for that.
    Her last scans now show that there is evidence of cancer cells there.

    Thanks for your support. Halinamary


    Halinamary….the symptoms you are describing very much resemble that of my husband as his cancer was progressing; his tumor markers rose significantly, he tired more easily, and small nodules appeared on scans.
    We visited with a naturopath physician, who allowed me to inject him with mistletoe. We also significantly increased his Vitamin C intake.
    Some of the postings Gavin has posted the links for reveal numerous supplements our members have discussed. I hope this helped. Others may share some more thoughts with you. I agree, keep on fighting


    Hi Halinamary,

    I can’t realy help you about supplements and natural therapies as my dad did not do any of these, but we do have 2 boards that may be of interest to you if you have not seen them already. We have an alternative treatments board here –

    And also a nutrition board here –

    Hopefullly you will find some posts there by the members that will be of use and interest to you and your mum. It is good to hear you say that you and your mum are not ready to give up yet. And it is also very good to hear as well that your mums tumour is still small and has not grown any. There are a ton of posts here on ths site regarding tumour markers and using the search forum function will throw up these discussions.

    As ot the fluid in your mums abdomen, there are meds can help with this. Is your mum taking anything for this? Also, does she have any swelling elsewhere, in her feet or ankles? What did your mums doctor say about this? Please try to not focus on statistics or months. No one can say for definite what lies ahead and we have so many people here who either they or their loved ones were told something about stats or months and that has turned out to be not the case. We are all here for you and know what you are going through. Please do not give up hope and please keep us updated on how your mum is doing.

    My best wishes to you and your mum,



    My 84 year old mother was diagnosed with a Klatskin Tumor in March 2010. She was not a candidate for surgery beacause it involved some blood vessels and also beacause of her heart condition.
    She went through a course of radiation (IMRT). She tried chemo using Gemzar but got too sick from it. It dangerously effected her heart and put her in the hospital for a week. She could not continue.

    Since then we have been doing things following a natural approach – using many of the things in Andy & Linda’s Alternatives post as well as other supplements.

    My mom’s recent scans show her tumor is still small and has not grown any. So I was told she is doing great. However, her cancer markers have increased tremendously over the past months – now more than 3000. Consulting with another oncologist, I was told that although her scans look good there must be cancer now somewhere else in her body. One picture shows a little fluid in her abdomen and the doctor thinks there could possibly be cancer cells there. Aso a picture of her lungs show some small nodules which are too small to test at this point.
    I was told she with the cancer spreading she does not have more than six months. At this point, although I have noticed her getting much more tired she is still able to take care of herself and do many of the activities she enjoys including going places with and my children. I am not ready nor is she too give up yet.

    Has anyone had a similar situation where the scans look good but the cancer markers have greatly increased?

    I am trying to find some other treatments for my mom. I have looked at perhaps trying intraveneous Vitamin C or miseltoe injections, hoping this my slow down her cancer spreading. I would greatly appreciate any advice anyone can offer me.

    I live in NYC and we have already been to Sloan Kettering, NYU Cancer Center and Montefiore Cancer Center. I would like to find a naturopathic doctor anywhere in the tristate area that can offer us alternatives. I would be greateful for any suggestions.

    Thank you for any response.

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