Pre-CC digestive inflammatory diseases

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    The reading I’ve done seems to indicate that chronic inflammation and a break-down in the immune system seem to play a large role in many keeping the immune system strong and reducing inflammation are key.


    Hi Karen….my husband also suffered from extreme acid indigestion for years prior to his diagnoses of this cancer. By the way your Cholangiocarcinoma banners have travelled the US many times over. Thanks again for your kindness.
    All my best


    Just for the record. My husband suffered from diverticulitis and extreme acid indigestion for years prior to being diagnosed.


    Byron….Although not scientifically proven I believe that a constant irritation could cause problems with tissue and cells.
    Sure wish that science would support this belief.
    All my best wishes,


    Byron, that is the first time anyone has ever put a body on a cell. Would love to see a picture of that. By the way Teddy served in Korea but other than that was NEVER sick with anything….how did he get so lucky??? A few years ago a Doctor told a patient on this site that it was like a toss of the dice.


    Well, years and decades of constant inflammation…..I don’t blame our cells for reacting poorly. They must just throw up their hands and give up.


    I have had a auto immune disease called Mixed Connective Tissue Disease which has caused wide spread inflamation for te past 17 years. I definately feel that this may be a contributing factor.


    Byron, I had none of those conditions. My CC was discovered as a result of a routine liver function test (done quarterly BC of high statin and triglyceride reducer meds). Other than cardiac issues, I was pretty healthy and had zero CC symptoms when the diagnostic process began.

    You asked in your other thread about whether my dad loved NM. Well, he was moved there in 1947 by the contractor employing him, and a few years later they wanted to move him to Tulsa and he declined. He stayed in the SF area until he died in 2001. He was always fond of saying “NJ is a good place to be FROM” (He grew up in South River, NJ).


    Byron….this confirms what we have experienced on this site. Numerous members have reported Ulcerative Colitis leading to their diagnoses of Cholangiocarcinoma. In fact, this link taken from the google search function, top, right, of page will lead you to numerous discussions about this subject.
    I am hoping for others to chime in also and share more information with us.
    All my best wishes,


    I have read and heard from my surgeon that people who have had different types of .inflammatory diseases are more prone to develop CC. I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis when I was 19 yrs old. After 20 yrs of “heck”, my colon was removed. I have had my gall bladder removed because it became inflamed and enlarged (4 yrs ago) and recently been diagnosed with ulcerations in my small intestine.

    Just wondering who else on this board had digestive inflammatory diseases before being diagnosed with CC.


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