2nd ct scan after diagnoses

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    I have been on xeloda and gemzar for 16 months. I had a scan on
    Tuesday and results are stable. Dr. Lenz said “I’m the patient of his that has
    Latest the longest on this treatment without having to switch. “. I guess I should be happy with stable, but would like some shrinkage. Just wanted to let you knOw that these drug have worked wonderfully for me and hope they do for you too.


    devastated…..You would want to run this past the physicians. I had been told that men who have low levels of testosterone may also experience night sweats. It is called Andropause (similar to menopause in females.)
    All my best wishes,


    Dear Devastated, sorry to hear your husband is still in so much pain but glad to her the reports were good. Teddy had Morphine every 12 hours with breakthrough of Oxy. For nausea he had Compazine. All worked well, so sorry I can’t help you there. Has he tried a Fentanyl patch yet? They are supposed to be good a couple of days and then use the breakthrough with them. The Fetanyl did not work for Teddy but it has worked for many others. Best of luck! That pain has to go!


    Stable is always good. Good luck with the Gemzar/Xeloda. My mom had minimal side effects from that combination. Just a little tired, but not really nauseous.


    My husband had 4 cycles of fulfox that made him so sick. Just got ct scan and lymph node decreased by 2 cm. Ca 19 decreased to 79 ( from 140) and CEA increased from 4400 to 5200. All other blood work is within normal limits. He is still in a lot of pain and nauseous. For pain management he is on oxycontin 3x a day with breakthrough oxycodone (also had nerve block) and nausea treated with zofran. He has tried compazine, ativan, sea bands,decadron, emend, still not much help. Are we missing anything???
    We are switching chemo treatments to gem/xeo which we hope is less taxing on the gut. this treatment will start next week. He stills suffers from terrible night sweats ( changes 4 – 6 tshirts a night) in which docs are baffled.
    Doctors diagnoses after 8 weeks treatment: Stable if not improving

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