just started treatment

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! just started treatment

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    Hi Amy,
    I had 4 weeks of radiation. I was tired-radiation is cumulative, no redness, no burning. Hope it goes as well for you as it did for me. Sincerely, Johanna


    Hi Amy,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all but am glad that you have joined, as you will get a load of support and help from everyone here. And when you do have your questions that you want to ask, then feel free to ask away as much as you want. We will do what we can to help in answering them.

    Keep reading as much as you can, find out as much as you can as the better informed you are the better decisions you will make when it comes to everything relating to this. The search forum function will be of great use to you in this, and please remember that we are all here for you as well. And I’m loving your “I CAN DO THIS” attitude, a lot!!!

    My best wishes to you,



    Amy…our Little Engine that Could….When my husband had radiation he had no side effects at all except tiredness. They gave him an RX for nausea just in case and he never had to use it. Oh, the radiation was to the chest area but when the 25 “zap” were over he did start to itch on the small of his back and we used some cream and it eventaully left. I wanted to amek sure I told you everyting since it was a breeze compared to other things.

    Byron…you are terriffic and I always say that kids are the best RX!


    Amy-Keep saying I CAN DO!! I am sure there are many reasons to fear radiation, but as a treatment it is pretty simple and quick. My treatments were about 5 minutes. I had no sunburn or effects from it during trearment. About a week after 6 weeks of treatment were through I became extremely tired, I spent a lot of my time in my recliner!! Focus on the end results-cancer free and reading to your grandchildren!!
    Lots of prayers- Cathy (2 years cancer free)



    I am only a couple of years behind you and the “grandchild” thought is one of the biggest motivator for me. I do have 6 beautiful grandchildren. The youngest, 9 months, lives in my home. One day, shortly after being diagnosed with cancer, I just stared at her for a few moments, then went to my bed where I laid down and cried. Afterwards was the moment I really decided there was no more room for tears. I was going to move heaven and earth to have lots more time with my sweet grandchildren and my thoughts were to be nothing but positive. Every now and then I have to remind myself but it just takes one little peek at that 9 month old just beginning to crawl and I’m “in the program” all over again.

    Just have to beat it.



    The thought of radiation scares me more then the thought of chemo. But that being said, and following my mantra of I CAN DO THIS, I will ask my Dr when i see her for my next chemo session. And will check out the posts on bone mets.

    And I loved reading my son “The Little Engine that Could”, now I want to be able to read it to grandchildren (whom I don’t yet have) :)



    Hello Amy and welcome to our site. You are so right in that none of us want to be here, but sure am glad to have found each other. Of course, there is no doubt that you CAN DO IT. Amy, we have numerous postings re: bone mets some of which you may want to read by entering the key word (in this case) bone mets) into the google function, top bar.
    You are in good hands at Sloan Kettering as they treat quite a volume of CC patients and are highly experienced. Has radiation been ruled out for either the mets, or the tumor in the liver?
    So glad that you have found us.
    All my best wishes,


    Dear Amy, welcome to our wonderful family where you will find the most courageous and caring people in the world. When you wrote ‘I CAN DO THIS’you reminded me of the little book, “The Little Engine that Could” a good book to be compared too. You are already at a top Hospital and you already have a great attitude so the best I can do is to wish you much luck. Wishing you great success with your chemo and please do keep us posted!


    Hi all

    I think it’s nice to have found you all. Wish I didn’t need to but then I am sure you all feel that way.

    I a 58 year old woman, i have intrahepatic CC, which has metastasized to various bones. I had my first chemo session yesterday, and my feeling is I CAN DO THIS!

    I am receiving medical care at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in NYC. So I feel confidence in my Drs. and that is a big stress reducer.

    I don’t have any questions yet, but will peruse the board, but just felt that I wanted to get started.

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