Dad and round 2 and I’m so far away.

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    erinn….sounds like your Dad is well taken care of. Please, search our google function and enter constipation. We have many postings regarding this commonly occurring problem. Good luck.
    All my best wishes,


    Thanks so much, and thanks for this site. Yes, my dad does have three doctors and a care manager. My mom is also a nurse. The drugs and they are working. Doctors are trying to figure out other pain meds because the current one makes him constipated.
    He has tried two hospitals now. He doesn’t really do any research. That would require him to walk to the hotel computers or hospital computers. I have just started researching.


    Hello Erinn and a warm welcome to our site. You are doing a wonderful thing by wanting to take care of your Dad. Erin, your Dad’s pain can be controlled with drugs. Is someone else taking care of him? Is a physician involved in his care? Has your Dad searched out another medical opinion with a physician or center “very” familiar with this cancer? Please, share more with us.
    Erin, I much understand your wish for this disease to go away for all the reasons you have mentioned, and the many more reasons not said. It is difficult to focus on the presence when the future is frightening, but for now your Dad is still with us and he will find much joy in having you close.
    Please, stay in touch with us and share more of your thoughts. We care.
    All my best wishes


    My dad has cholangiocarcinoa. He’s done 6 weeks of chemo and they told him there was nothing else they could do.
    Now, he’s been at the Cancer Treatment Center of America in Zion for 7 weeks of treatment. First 2 weeks had chemo and radiation. His platelets are too low for chemo anymore. He’s in week 5 of radiation. He’s making it, but it’s super hard, and he’s in pain, and crabby, and so sick. He was just in the hospital for a blood infection and another drainage tube. That’s one for his gall bladder and one for his liver. No fun.
    CTCA has been the best place, though. They never give up, they never stop moving towards the goal, they try everything they know, everyone is positive, kind, helpful, and they never say never.
    I live in Los Angeles. I got to go and take care of him for a week. My family has been taking turns going up and taking care of him. He is without family sometimes, and that’s the hardest time for him. We all deal with it in different ways.
    I believe in God and know that God can heal him. My dad has faith too. I’ve been so strong for him and that is what I will continue to be. I’ve never had to deal with something so hard.
    I have held it all in for too long. It’s hard to read everything on this site, but I want to be informed, I want to let it all out, and I want to hear about some success.

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