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  • #53408

    rtomiello….Just chiming in to wish you a very warm welcome. I don’t have much to add to what others have said already only that I would like to re-emphasize for your husband to bee seen by his physician.

    Please, stay in touch. We care.
    All my best wishes,


    Even if you husband is on blood thinner like Coumadin for the clots in the lungs. if he stays in bed all the time and not moving that much;he may develop deep vein thrombosis (DVT)–blood clots in the legs that can cause leg pain and need to be ruled out by the attending physician. I think the lack of moving around and being stationary all the time may contribute to the shortness of breath (SOB) when he try to walk or do things.(SOB due to lack of exercise).
    Of course being tired and shortness of breath can be related to the cancer too.
    I am a patient for 30 months and I feel tired and have the feeling of shortness of breath at the end of my working day but not during the days off.
    The 3 month check up with Cat Scan or MRI or PET will be coming up soon and you will know for sure how you husband’s condition is.
    Take loperamide(Imodium) 1-2 capsule every six hours as needed when diarrhea occurs.(do not take more than 8 capsules/day);consult doctor if diarrhea still a problem after a couple days.Eat well and be strong.
    God bless.


    I agree- symptoms are vague but do not ignore any shortness of breath. If your husband is staying in bed it can be easy to develop a chest infection. See the doctor sooner rather than later. Physio can provide breathing excercises if he is in bed a lot to help keep lungs clear.


    Dear Romtiello, welcome to our wonderful family where you will find the most courageous and caring people in the world. Mmm, not sure that I have heard of the shortness or breath and leg pain before. Have you advised his ONC of the situation? Diarhea can be caused by deydration. Is he drinking enough water? Is he on other medications? Leg pain and cough not sure about, I would definitely call his ONC. When my husband was very tired the ONC put him on B12 shots once a month. Where is he being treated and have you sought out another opinion? We are big believers in that 2nd opinion. Keep your hopes up as we don’t believe in time frames. Everyone is so different and we have members who were given months and its been years. Please keep us posted, we care.


    My husband was diagnosed 1 1/2 yrs ago and was told he could not have surgery due to the tumor being wrapped around the portal vein and into the liver. He has been on many series of chemo (gem/cispl) and was doing well. His blood markers are indicating the tumor is shrinking and Dr seems pleased. His last treament was end of July. He has been maintaining his weight, but has had diarehea and dehydr, bad cough, been on blood thinners as he has had 2 clots to the lungs. My concern is he has a hard time walking due to leg pain, shortness of breathe and is always tired. I am not sure if this is all part of the disease and if going back on the chemo is the best next step. The family does not know what to expect as he is always tired and chooses not to get out of bed.
    Any advice on what to expect or how to get him feeling better? When first diagnosed we were told 6mo to 1 yr? It seems people are living much longer but confused about what to understand…..

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