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Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Long time visitor, first time post!

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  • #53731

    Dear Brenda,

    Thank you so much for your kind words to all of us. And thank you also for coming here and posting during what is such a tough time for you and your mum.

    That is quite a journey your mum has had and what a fighter she is. And what a great job that you have done in being there and helping your mum in any way that you could. I know how happy she will have been to attend your daughters college graduation. Hospice will take care of your mum and will help keep her as comfortable as possible. My dad went through hospice care also and he had nothing but good things to say about the care he received from them.

    Please know that we are all here for you always. We know what you are going through right now and we care.

    My best wishes to you and your mum,



    Brenda… Here you are with the saddest of news and yet you reach out to us and thank us. Thank YOU from the bottom of my heart.
    Know that we will support you in this journey. We are in this together all the way.
    I am wishing for love, peace, and strengths for all. Hug the moments and take in deep this precious time given.
    Brenda, you must know that we have a few special people living in Chicago (Barbara, Stella, and Patty.) If you would like to reach out to either please, let me know. We meet up at ASCO each year and if you are able please, join us.
    Love and hugs,


    Dearest Brenda, thank you so very much to think of us in this sad time for yourself. We are amply rewarded when we can give any little bit of help to others traveling this unwanted road. Your Mother sounds like quite the warrior and like other loved ones who have paved the way, its time for her Peace. You sound like a wonderful daughter and just capture all the precious remaining moments. Prayers and hugs coming your way.


    Dear absolutelybrenda,

    I’m sorry to hear about your mom’s new diagnosis. She will receive the best of care through Hospice. I lost my mom and dad within five months of each other last year; and my husband, John, is battling this terrible disease. Life can be tough; and I agree, this site has been a godsend for me. Sending hugs and prayers to you and your mom. PeggyP


    My mom was diagnosed with cc in January 2009 at the age of 82. She had a whipple procedure with no lymph node involvement and no need for chemo or radiation. I visited this website every day. Two or three times a day. I needed information. I needed to understand. I needed to hear from people who were or had been through this. Lucky for my family my mother recovered remarkable well. She spent some time in an after care facility but was able to attend my daughters graduation from college the summer of 2009.
    But once again mother has a new tumor, lymph node and liver involvement and now at 85 she has decided to enter hospice. I wanted my first post to be before she passed. I wanted to thank Lainy, Marions, and Gavin. I also love Mustangmort, MN, Dawn, Senaida, Hopeful Daughter and many many more. You all have comforted me, educated me, supported me and made me realize I’m not alone.
    Thanks again to you ALL. You are an amazing group of people. Couldn’t have made it through the last 2 1/2 years without you!!!

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