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  • #54192

    Susie…Ha, ha….wedding dress radiation? Why not? My dear friend is treated for breast cancer and she like you looks hot. It makes her feel good and makes us feel good because, she feels good.
    Keep it up, dear Susie.
    All my best wishes,


    Great link, thank you!!
    I think it is a mental thing, but the better I look, the better I feel. Everyday before radiation I make sure I do my hair, put on makeup wear my heels or cool boots or whatever the heck I feel is necessary. I don’t know why but it makes me feel better. The radiation techs are so nice and always comment how pretty and stylish I look. I joke with them that by my last day of radiation they will probably be shoving me in that machine in my wedding dress. Whatever makes me feel better!!

    Take care!

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