No chemo today, she’s too weak

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion No chemo today, she’s too weak

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    You guys are so amazing and fantastic, thank you thank you thank you for that. This whole week, I have been sick thinking this cancer is spreading like crazy because she has only had one treatment. Tomorrow we go for a check up and a second opinion.

    Patty my grandmother is 77 and is in otherwise excellent health. She was very active and loved to dance and more energetic than me! Until this happened. She’s the light of my life and so many other lives. I refuse to let her go. She is hopeful and very positive and so am I.

    Thank you so much all of you, from the bottom of my heart. You guys are the best!



    Lauren had to miss chemo the time before her last one. Her platelets were too low. She thought it was the end of the world and her cancer was going to start to grow. So many people on this site told us that they had to skip chemo for one reason or another too. Well, she rested and drank a lot of Gatorade. Her platelets went from 86 to 266 in one week. She is back on her chemo schedule and feeling great! I hope your Grandma feels better soon.

    Love, -Pam


    Elsyr….please, do not worry too much about a missed chemo session; it happens frequently due to numerous reasons. Your grandma will feel much better with proper hydration and anti-nausea medication.
    All my best wishes,



    I looked back at some of your posts, how old is your grandma? And does she have any other health issues? If surgery is not possible you might want to ask about photodynamic therapy (PDT), there are posts here, just put PDT or photodynamic in the search function. Hopefully that is something to focus on learning about until you hear from Dr. Kato.



    Today was supposed to be abuelita’s second chemo and then a break from chemo next week. She’s lost 7lbs and is too weak for the chemo. They are putting an IV on her because she’s dehydrated and giving her nausea meds. Will this slow down the process? Will the cancer continue to grow rapidly if she doesnt get that chemo today?

    I’m hoping Dr. Kato reviews her records and can see her sooner rather than later. What do I do now?

    Next week is Thanksgiving, nothing will get done. :(

    I need to stay focused…

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