Suggestions-A More Realistic & Practical View of CCA-a reprint message

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    Hi, DianeC,
    Thanks for your compliment.
    We need more people like you to encourage and comfort those who are traveling on this long and winding road . I know from the previous messages that you were also a caregiver too. Thanks for rejoining us and provide a much needed hand to hold all of us thru this journey.
    God bless.


    Dear Percy — you are so right! Your words so true. I appreciate the information and insight you provide to all of us. Thank you.



    As patients and caregivers ourselves,we need to be HOPEFUL ; we need to be knowledgeable ; we need to be current and we need to be PRACTICAL in search of finding the possible cure for this disease(we don’t have one right now except surgery.)

    It is always my belief that ,as a patient myself, at this moment,because of the time frame is relatively short for us; the best way to help our CURRENT patients is to find and improve the current treatments that are working now; research and prepare by choosing the more effective treatments with less adverse reactions for the future in case of the CCA comes back. Both in chemotherapy and radiological therapy.(recurrence is a fact.)

    We should be vigilant and careful about all the info.we read on the internet .We should not have false expectation on treating this disease. One treatment working perfectly for one patient did not mean the same will apply to another patient.

    Conventional medical treatments are “evident-based “on research as well as clinical experiences; and I think that is why the oncologist said:
    -“Cathy this is so new we have no long term data and even though we believe it was all removed there could be one micro cancer cell lurking, but we believe this is a cure. We need you to keep living to prove us right!!”

    And that is how doctors talk to patients; in short,you have to read between the lines.”
    God bless.

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