My beautiful husband has passed.

Discussion Board Forums In Remembrance My beautiful husband has passed.

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    Dear JoAnn,
    I am so sorry for your loss. I just lost my beautiful husband of 31 years, Tom 3 1/2 weeks ago and I understand how you feel. It does literally hurt to breath sometimes. Luckily my children are all grown, but I’m thankful that due to circumstances my two boys are living with me. Your children will give you comfort even though knowing what they and your husband will miss is heartbreaking. I wish I could say that it will get easier in time. Personally right now I’m not sure it will, but so many that have been in our shoes already say it will. Someone sent me a card the other day and said that it may not necesarily get “better” but it will get “lighter”. I guess that is what I’m hoping for…a lighter heart. Like yours mine feels very heavy right now. In this short time I have already developed a routine that gives me comfort. In the mornings I light a candle under his picture in our little sitting room where we always drank our morning coffee and I sit and talk with him while I drink my coffee. I also light his picture candle by my bed at night and that makes me feel closer to him. So far my boys don’t think I’m crazy. They just accept all of this as normal. Hopefully you can find some things that help you. It’s a terrible time of year to lose a loved one, I hope you can find the strength to still have Christmas for the children. I can’t imagine how hard that will be for you but it may help get your mind off your grief. I hope you have supportive family and friends. Unfortunately I have two big brothers that have lost their wives in the past three years so I can lean on them. They’re still not “right” but are farther along in this whole process than me so they help a lot. I pray you have people that can help you too. We are all here for you whenever you need a shoulder. Please, once again accept my heartfelt sympathy. Love, Mary


    Dear Joann

    Please accept my deepest sympathy on the passing of your precious husband.

    Thinking of you and your family at this heartbreaking time.

    Andie x


    “The pain I feel now is the happiness I had before. That’s the deal.” C. S. Lewis

    Dear Joann — You and David were blessed with such love. Without that undying love, your grief would not be so profound. And that is the irony of this heartrending tragedy.

    My heart aches for you, Joann.
    Love, Diane



    I lost my husband Tom from CC on 11/20/2011. I understans what you are going through. I know that David is in a better place, just like my Tom. He is no longer in pain and is in the loving arms of our Lord.

    That does not make it easier for those of us left here on earth. I know that my life must go on without him and I know that he would want me to go forward and live – keeping him alive in my memory, thoughts, and my actions. So that is what I do. I take it one day at a time, one hour at a time and one moment at a time to get through.

    It is rough at times and easier at other times. You will adjust to your ‘new normal’ in time.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time.

    (Widow of Thomas G. Lepp who passed away from Cholangiocarcinoma on 11/20/2011 after a three year eight month battle)


    thanks for the support. My heart is so broken……I can’t breathe.


    Dear Joann, I am so sorry you lost your husband, David, and your children lost their father. His obituary clearly showed he had a rich and rewarding life and he was well loved. I am thinking and praying for strengthen for you in these upcoming days. Take care. Pam



    I am so sorry for your loss and your children’s loss, this cancer takes so many good people from their families. “What would Dave do” is a great legacy to leave behind, to have provided an example of what is the right thing to do, that is something your children will always have as a compass to live by.

    Please do visit when you need support, we all need each other.



    Dear Joann,

    I am so sorry to hear of your husband’s passing. I know there is nothing I can say to make you feel better. That breaks my heart. I have shed many tears and said some prayers for your dear David. I hope you find the strength to feel joy and happiness again one day. David would want that for you and your family and everyone on this board wants that for you as well. Please come visit anytime when you need a friend.

    Love, -Pam


    Dear Joann,

    I am so sorry to hear about your loss. David is now at peace and without pain… I hope you can find a little bit of comfort in that.

    My sincere condolences to you and your family,



    I am truly sorry for your loss.
    Take good care of yourself too.
    God bless.


    Dear Joann,

    I too am sorry to hear this sad news. My condolences to you and your family.
    Try to be comforted knowing he is no longer suffering. David will always be with you in your heart and memories.

    Know that we are here to help and support you during this trying time.

    My thoughts are with you and your family.

    Love & Hugs,


    Dear Joann,
    I’m sorry for the loss of your beautiful David. My heart is with you and your family.

    You have a place here for support.
    Love, Diane


    Dear Joann,

    I am so very sorry to hear of the passing of your husband. Please accept my sincere condolences. My thoughts are with you and your family right now.



    Dearest Joann and Family, I am so very sorry to read of David’s Passing. All I can say to you is that in time, your time, the wonderful Memories will far exceed the pain.

    If I should be the first to go,
    And leave you alone, my Dear,
    Let not your heart be lonely,
    Nor in your eyes a tear.
    Grieve not for me, my Darling,
    I’ll not be far away,
    With petals of love and tenderness,
    I’ll pave for you the way.
    To join me in our sanctuary,
    And ne’er again we’ll part.
    Grieve not for me, my Darling,
    I live within your heart.
    Take joy again in living,
    As you did in years gone by;
    God knows what of he’s doing,
    And not be questioned why.
    Grieve not for me, my Darling,
    My life with you on earth
    Each moment filled with happiness,
    And love so few be worth.
    I’ll be waiting for you Sweetheart
    Where skys are ever blue,
    With eager heart and open arms
    Patiently, for you.
    Grieve not for me, my Darling,
    May faith and my love keep.
    Your soul filled with contentment
    Eternally, I sleep.


    It it with such deep sorrow that I inform this supportive board of my husband’s passing. He was such a remarkable man of 47 years who fought such an incredible 5 month battle of cc. Attached is his obituary:

    My heart is so broken.

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