Chronic Opisthorchis viverrini Infection Changes the Liver Microbiome

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    I’m not sure about any research etc on H-Pylori in the US but if I come across anything Julie YOU will be the first to hear about it if I see anything. And if it is anything that I can’t link to here on the site for copyright reasons I will email you with the links etc.

    And as far as things being proven or not medically wise etc….. I always like to add the word yet to my thinking! We don’t know exactly what causes all of this, yet! And we don’t have the cure, YET!! You can see why I like the word yet!!

    And Lainy, I don’t talk English….. I talk Scottish!!! Ha!!

    I’d have to put on a posh and proper accent for you guys to understand me, and talk slowly as well probably! Or I could do my Sean Connery accent!!!



    Gavin……as we know several other things that do cause CC to develop in some patients……I think we will eventually find a few more items, like H. Pylori, to add to that. My first surgeon said to us that the “cause” was most probably “inflammation”, but the problem is what all is the cause of the inflammation that leads to CC. Therein lies the “rub”.

    Lainy… know me….and Gavin. Unfortunately, I don’t think there IS a simpler way to describe it. It’s the nature of the beast. (I do know you were jesting though). LOL



    Listen you two. I think all the information you supply here is just wonderful but will you ever start talking in English!!!! Just kidding, couldn’t resist it.


    Gavin…..We had a “brief” conversation with a Dr. this week about H. Pylori and my history with it and CC……and while he thought it was interesting….he said there was no cause and effect proven. Sigh. Yeah…I know….science and all that …gotta have scientific method. But, sometimes, wouldn’t you think that looking at a story like mine, it would itch the thought process enough to have someone see something that looks suspicious and want to research it? I had found a huge study in Thailand when I was first diagnosed……and the possible connection of H. Pylori (in my case). And…..have had several doctors have some interest. My GP actually believed enough in my thought processes on this to order the H. Pylori blood test that showed I had antibodies to it (so I either had…or had had it), and then we did a poo test which showed I no longer had H. Pylori. Where did it go? I had never been treated and it takes two antibiotic and omeprazole at the same time to get rid of it. There are other aspects and symptoms to this I won’t go into here. I think I’ve outlined them before on old posts back in 2014. But, once the first resection was done…..those symptoms stopped and never returned. The big problem in looking at H. Pylori being the cause of bile duct cancer has been that it is normally seen as something that lives in the stomach….and would not survive in the environment of the bile ducts. But, the Thailand study proved that they had found H. Pylori in the bile ducts of something like 2/3rds of the CC patients they studied…which was considered to be statistically significant. Is there NO research in this county on this? I know Thailand has a large amount of CC……so they have a huge interest in finding a cause. But, I would be interesting in knowing if there is any place here in the US that is studying H. Pylori and it’s possible connection to CC.


    Hi Julie,

    Yes there is a lot of work coming out of Thailand into this side of things about CC etc and I am glad that you found this piece interesting and a good read. Let’s hope that with much more work we can all get some of the answers that we are looking for. Loads of stuff on google about all of this for those that are interested but there is much work that we can’;t link here for copyright reasons.

    But as ever, I will post all the ones that I find that we can link to!!




    GAvin, I have been pushing the idea of H. Pylori being a causative factor in the development and growth of CC since back in the early months following my diagnosis. It’s good to see that this is actually being studied. It may be that it is a combination of H Pylori along with other factors, but I believe this will eventually be shown to be one of several causes of CC at least for intrahepatic types .

    Good read.



    Chronic Opisthorchis viverrini Infection Changes the Liver Microbiome and Promotes Helicobacter Growth.

    Open access article.

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