Update on my husband “Gerry” CA-19-9 – 981 and abnormal LFT’s.

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Update on my husband “Gerry” CA-19-9 – 981 and abnormal LFT’s.

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    Phil….sorry for chiming in late. Some of the symptoms you are describing may not respond to antacids and if that is the case please, do not wait out the holiday season; rather take your husband to the Emergency room. Once admitted Gerard will have to be tended to. Please, keep us posted.
    All my best wishes,


    Hi Phil (Pru) you are too kind. I try to guard but not sure about the angel part!!! I hope it works for Gerard. I did forget to say that since he is loosing weight, try having him eat small all day (we call it grazing) instead of full meals a few times a day. Not sure what you have in Australia but we have “drinks” like Carnation Instant Breakfast drink. They are loaded with essentials and Teddy loved the Vanilla and I would blend in a banana like a milk shake. Actually ONE drink of Carnation takes the place of a meal if he doesn’t feel like eating. All I keep thinking is a 3 week shut down medically and I just don’t get it! Be strong, hang in! You are not alone.


    Thanks so much Lainy (Elaine), I went down to the Pharmacy and got some extra strength Gaviscon, hopefullly this will work. What would I do without you and the CC website. Lainy you are my guardian angel.


    Hi Pru, I am glad Percy contacted you as he is such a big help! Can you go to the Pharmacy and ask for the strongest over the counter antacid they have at least until you get hold of the doctor. The doctor needs to order him something to help him sleep along with the antacid. Gerard cannot be using up all his good energy fighting like this. As bad as CC is, there is no reason for anyone to suffer so much with all the meds they now have. Best of luck


    Thank you Lainy (Elaine) and Percy. I feel so much better that I can discuss these issues with you. My hubby is in a bad state, had a very bad night yesterday, severe digestive problems, though I gave him an antacid. He just could not sleep. I do hope you understand if I am slow in replying. I do have 3 young sons and they are on school holidays. I strongly believe in the grace of God, and hopefully things may get better. Godbless you all. Phil (Pru)


    Hi Sweet (Pru) Phil, I am so glad you posted here. I know you will get some good advise that I couldn’t answer for you this morning. I will watch closely and am thinking of you!


    My husband had whipples surgery in August 2009 for distal bile duct cancer, the operation we understood was a success with clear margins. His CA-19-9 kept rising since March 2011 the trend seems to keep going up but with no other major symptoms except nausea. He also prior to the tumour markers going up had a slight fever in March 2011 and December 2010.

    Currently his tumor markers have reached 981. I did not bother saying anything to him as I just received the latest results just 2 days before Christmas. His LFT’s have also gone up ALP, GGT, & AST He has also developed a few new symptoms, extreme fatigue, irritability, pain in the right abdomen, and in the left shoulder and sudden bouts of fevers, chills, dry cough, a bit of throat irritation, headaches and pains in his legs and hands, when this happens he gets extremely tired after I give him Panadol, he sort of settles – falls into a deep sleep and when he wakes up he feels fine. Note his BP is fine, a bit on the low side but OK.

    We have done all tests, MRI, PET scan, CT scan etc and nothing shows up so it is very frustrating. The doctors/surgeons have no plan of action as they say they cannot see anything on the scans. Now the Gastro specialist said we need to have another MRI or CT performed but we are in a total holiday closure in Sydney and so we need to wait until the 3rd week in January. Has anyone experienced these symptoms?, also he keeps loosing weight. I do give him essiac tea, green tea, ginger tea to assist with his digestion. Could this be a re-occurence of the cancer? Any other suggestions or advice?. Hope all of you have a safe and relaxed holiday season. Best wishes for 2012. Godbless Phil

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