Who do I e-mail?

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  • #56331

    Pam…thanks much. You did exactly what you should do when not receiving a response – re-post, re-post.
    How is Lauren doing today?
    All my best wishes,


    Thanks Marion. I know you are so busy. I thought my post probably got lost in the shuffle and I really wanted to make sure I got some brochures before it was too late. Thanks for getting back to me and thanks for working so tirelessly to help people with CC.

    Love, -Pam


    sorry Pam….I am working on producing manuals for our advocates plus preparing for the upcoming GI ASCO…not sure you wanted to know that….anyway…it is my excuse for not watching the board closely
    Anyway….please, send an e-mail to stacie@cholangiocarcinoma.org with the request of brochures. Please allow for a bit of time so it is best for you to do it immediately. Stacie is known to spend quality time at the post office, but she likes a few days advance notice.
    If you don’t receive a response within a few days then please, let me know. I can be reached either, on this board or via e-mail at: marion.schwartz@cholangiocarcinoma.org

    I love your fundraising idea and know that it will be a wonderful event – kudos on the Relay of Life too. You are quite a woman.
    Thanks and hugs,



    Lainy, Marion, Gavin, Percy, …………………………..Anyone…………………

    Can you hear me now??????????????????????????????????

    No, really can anyone answer my question please. Thanks.



    Hi Everyone,

    Giovanni’s family is graciously having a benefit for Lauren on Feb. 4.
    I would like to have some brochures about CC at the benefit. Also, we will be participating in the Relay For Life in June. I would like brochures for that as well so we can get the word out about CC. Could you direct me to the right person to e-mail. Thanks loads.

    Love, -Pam

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