Gemzar and IMRT radiation tx

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    pak…you are doing everything right. Consulting with other specialists always is a good idea.
    The enclosed link is lenghty but has been a worthy contribution to our site. It is member established and may help you out.
    Good luck and all my best wishes,


    We live in Parma, Ohio not too far from the Cleveland Clinic.
    I’m still planning to send her records to University Hospital, Dr, Chapman (st Louis) Mayo, MD Anderson. If you can think of any others, please let me know. I figure, getting a second opinion will only give up more options.


    Thanks for your responses. I hope the tumor responds to the treatments. The oncologist stated if the tumor mets outside the liver, she would not have qualified for the IMRT radiation therapy, only chemo. I guess God was on our side today. At least she has a better chance to beat this thing with both treatments. We’re new at this, we are trying to learn as much as we can, but it’s exhausting at times.

    She is being treated at the Cleveland Clinic. Just met both the radiation and medical oncologists, by the way look too young. But they were very nice, took their time with us, explained treatments, risks, side effects, etc…

    I pray to God they can help my mom.


    pak…. It is difficult to predict the responses of each person, because people react in different ways. But I would think that your Mom may only experience some additional tiredness for some time. Good luck and please keep us posted. I am hoping for others to chime in also to share some of their thoughts with us.
    All my best wishes,


    Dear pak,

    I don’t know anything about this treatment but I see you are from Cleveland. I am about an hour away from there. Where is your Mother being treated? I wish her all the best.

    Love, -Pam


    Just had appointment with Med Onc and Radation Onc. My mother will soon start Gemzar and IMRT radiation therapy. 5-6 weeks of IMRT and approx 6 months of Gemzar.
    Was told this combination therapy offers best chance for her. Anyone go thru this course of treatment???? was it effective? How were the side effects?

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