Update on my dad (and sorry for the long absence)

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    Goodheartedmommy, sounds like my story parallels yours. I was diagnosed last summer after getting scanned for kidney stones. Gem/Cis did not seem to work for me either and I’m waiting to see if I can have radioembolization as well.

    Godspeed, and just love your Dad a whole lot.


    Goodheartedmommy, I am sorry about your father’s turn of events. Wow, he must be some kind of strong man! Working with kidney stones and then as if he doesn’t have enough to contend with. Sorry you are now in the holding pattern or as we say the wait and see game. I hope the Insurance Company comes through quickly and treatment can begin again. Hangin there and be strong!


    I have not been around for awhile. We got rid of our internet on our home computer, so I only have internet access on my phone (which makes it pretty hard to post on message boards a lot!). I’ve also been busy trying to plan a fundraiser benefting CCF (wow, it’s a lot of work but I’m excited about it!)

    Dad has reached the end of the road with chemo. Unfortunately, his scan last month revealed growing lesions and new lesions despite cisplatin and gemcidabine. It was hard to watch him go through these treatments and learn that the cancer was stronger than that.

    Right now we’re waiting on insurance to approve theraspheres (radiation beads). Of course, they denied the claim saying they aren’t medically necessary, but the doctor is working on the appeal and feels confident they will eventually be approved, it’s just a matter of when. That’s frustrating because time is ticking here.

    Dad had kidney stones back in June, and that is what sent him to the doctor (and led to this diagnosis). His kidney stones are still present and bother him from time to time and the last couple of weeks have been hard on him. He’s still working and travelling but is constantly tired and fighting with cold chills/hot flashes.

    Sorry for the rambling…I haven’t been around and am trying to sum up the last month and a half or so. :)

    Off to read the updates from others…

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