Chemo again

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    Here is a simple explanation about PET SCAN., you can read more under our radiology experience forum under the title (Ultrasound,Cat scan, MRI and PET/CT)

    PET can find or confirm cancer metastasized activities in the other parts of the body.PET may not be a good choice to locate NEARBY metastasized cancer activity such as the lymph nodes that are very close to the primary site of CC because the closest distances between the lymph nodes and the CC.)

    PET Scan allows visualization of CC because of the high glucose uptake(SUV) of the bile duct epithelium(the lining )– the “Hot spots” will light up on the PET scan and show the relative cancer activity of the lesion by the SUVmax value.

    A PET scan therefore can help to tell if the bile duct obstruction is caused by a cancer or benign lesions.PET scan can be useful in determining the cancer may have spread or return after treatment.
    In general SUVmax value>3.9 is an indication of cancer activity of the lesion while value<3.9 may not.But the diagnosis must also be made in conjunction with the size or the volume of the lesion that shows the SUV max activity.(the SUVmax range that I saw so far is between 2.0-36.4 in CC);and PET is more accurate when using in intrahepatic lesions than extrahepatic lesions in cholangiocarcinoma diagnosis.
    But please remember.NOT all the HOT spots(SUVmax>3.9) are cancerous. it depends on where the hot spots are located.

    PS..I just notice that you are in Canada,therefore they may use CAT SCAN only unless otherwise indicated, it is all about money issue I guess that is why the doctor may react to your question that way.

    As a patient myself, I do understand why your husband acts that way ;it is because we are afraid of our future;we are afraid of the outcome of the treatment that will fail us and above all we are afraid of losing the control of our lives. Really there is not much you can do,but support his decision whatever it may be. Radiation may be an alternative to chemo; ask your GP to refer you to see a radiation oncologist to see radioembolization or chemoembolization or RFA may be an option for your husband . good luck and

    God bless.


    Well Darrell is back at it again cycle 9 begins. To start they found 1 large tumor on one side and 5 little ones on the other. By the end of cycle 6 they didn’t even talk about the little ones anymore they were gone. The big one had shrunk so after cycle 8 a 2 month break. They CT scanned and the 5 are back one large enough to measure which they didn’t first time but the big one is the same size. My question what is a Pet scan you all talk about. I have tried asking this Dr some questions about things I read here but he never seems to pay much attention. We were told they could only do palliative chemo but didnt have much chance. Darrell just kept saying no do chemo chemo and he sure showed them. I can’t get him to even think about going to get another opinion we have never even talked surgery or anything else. Now the same chemo. I don’t want to be left with what if’s I want to try every possible thing we can. Any ideas on how I can open his eyes to other area’s I would be grateful
    Standing stronger everyday

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