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    Thanks marion. :)


    Darla…..Oh. this is not an easy situation. Given your Dad’s responses, it is surprising how far you have come already. Considering the difficulties laying ahead for your parents, I am hopeful that your Dad comes to the realization that the much needed support is necessary.
    Fingers crossed and
    hugs and love,


    Thanks for all the helpful info Lainy. This is just the beginning for us. I can see it progressing and it will be an up hill battle all the way.

    Marion, we had to really push to get them to do a 28 day trial period. We are hoping that if they last the 28 days they will like it and stay. We started by asking nicely, then got mad and said they had to atleast give this a try. We tried to reason with them, resorted to begging, pleading and even some tears and then had to holler a little. :) Tough love at it’s best. If my dad refuses to stay, I think mom will end up in more of a nursing care facility. At one point I told my dad that I wouldn’t mind living there and he said “then you go!” :) At this point I think mom realizes she needs to be there. She has Parkinsons among other things and my dad is not capable of taking care of her at home, but he is really giving her a hard time. He does not want to be there, but if mom stays, he is not capable of being home alone either. So we are taking it one day at a time and dealing with a different situation every day.
    Wish us luck, we will need it and thoughts and prayers couldn’t hurt either. :)

    Have a good evening ladies.

    Love & Hugs,


    Darla…I recall you speaking of your aging parents some time back and am sorry to hear that things have progressed to the point of assisted living. How were you able to convince them to try this?
    Hugs and love,


    Darla, I know what you are going through. My Dad lived to 93 and my Mom passed one month after Teddy at 94! She even had a boyfriend except they both forgot who each other was! One of the hardest things in life is to tell parents what to do! In the end I told them that they could have moved to my brother or sister but they chose me and Teddy so now they had to trust us to do what was right for them. It worked. First we moved them to a retirement home and my Mom balked but I told her Dad needed to get her settled so that he knew she would be taken care of. She ended up with her biggest problem being what to wear to dinner!!! They loved it. Then about 4 years after my Dad passed Mom started getting some dementia and I had to move her to assisted at the same place. I had Robin (my daughter) take her out for the day, I moved her over and she never went back nor questioned the other apartment. Found out assisted was not taking good care of her and after a year there I moved her to a private care home. Best thing I ever did. There were 3 ladies and all had dementia/Alzheimers so each day was a new experience! Too funny. Mom and one other lady would sit side by side watching TV and never say a word. Then they would get up and go to the table for lunch and Mom would say, “Hi, so how are you doing today?” If I may say, the Assisted was $4,000 a month. They took terrible care of her. The private home was $2,000 with homemade soups and meals and wonderful, wonderful care. That was $2,000 a month. They took care of her like a little baby right through the end.


    And it just keeps on going up. Awesome!

    I’m doing OK Marion. My sisters and I are dealing with my 85 year old parents who can no longer live on their own and everyone but them realizes it. At the moment they are in an assisted living apartment on a trial basis. The situation changes daily. They aren’t happy and want to go home. It’s so sad to see this happening to them. I feel like first I lost my husband and now I am slowly losing them. I may have to start a web site or atleast a blog some day on all the issues involved with elderly parents. :)

    Love & Hugs to all,


    And they keep on jumping! Thank you all very very much indeed!

    Hugs to you all,



    Ha, ha, Darla…will have to repeat it tonight. How are you doing?
    Hugs and love,


    Mighty impressive!


    WOW! I’m impressed Marion. All you did was mention it and it happened! :)


    I am watching the donations coming in. Somehow we are stuck just below the five thousand mark. Let’s see what happens tomorrow morning.


    Wow…only yesterday we were at the 400 mark and today it increased dramatically. Thanks all you wonderful people.

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