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  • #58512

    Did your husband having stent to put in for the correction of the bile flow?
    Did he has any bowel movement at all or having constipation for quite a while? If this is the case the intestine may be blocked and thus the bile flows backward into the stomach. I am not a doctor and therefore 2nd opinion by hepatologist( liver specialist) is highly recommended to find out the cause
    If the tumor is only in the liver most likely the bile still can flow normally and out of the body if the common bile duct and the intestine are function normally.
    God bless.


    Throwing up bile is not acceptable/normal and I am wondering what the ONC says. Does your husband have stents in the bile ducts? Great that he is off Morphine thats very good. But, if the pain should return it is so important to keep it under control or it gets out of hand. Don’t think I have heard of chemo causing bile to come up. Curious as to what your ONC says about the bile.


    Yes, I realize that this is Bile Duct cancer, but what do we do about my husband vomiting up bile? Is there something that will keep him from having the bile back up into his stomach? I think that is what started causing the pain that first sent us to the doctor. He had severe upper ab pain for quite a while. Nothing seemed to help. Expecting pancreatitis, he had a CT that showed the tumor on his liver. Of course, they didn’t know from where it had originated and ran all kinds of tests. The endoscopy revealed a build up of bile in his stomach with a lot of irritation. Now, after two months of chemo, he is having occasional pain and then vomits bile. Is that common? Of course, his terribly diseased gall bladder has not been removed due to the cancer. Most of the time, the pain is not a problem. He is even off morphine! Yahoo!

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