We are present at The Society of Surgical Oncology Conference

Discussion Board Forums Announcements We are present at The Society of Surgical Oncology Conference

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  • #58808

    Hi Marion,

    Thanks for letting us all know about this, what great news indeed! I hope for much to come from this symposium and I look forward to reading your reports all about it. I am sure that you and Karen will have a very positive impact here and will also do much good too. And of course, my utmost thanks to both you and Karen for running the booth at this conference! Great news!!

    Hugs to you both,



    The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation has been granted exhibit space at the 65th Annual Cancer Symposium of the Society of Surgical Oncology, Orland, Fl. This important meeting will take place March 21 – March 24th.

    The 2,500 members of the Surgical Oncology Society provide unified and comprehensive medical and surgical care to patients with various cancers including, gastrointestinal cancers.

    Surgical oncologists prescribe and/or influence the use of systemic drugs, hormones, etc. in both settings adjuvant and neoadjuvant and are primarily responsible for diagnoses and staging of cancer.

    We are fortunate in that one of our many volunteer applicants has graciously offered to participate with me at this conference. I am thrilled to finally meet up with Karen. With her help I expect this conference to be of most benefit to Cholangiocarcinoma patients. Of course, we will post all relevant information on this site.

    For those of you living in the West Palm Beach or Ford Lauderdale or even the Orlando area, I would love to meet up with you. My schedule is pretty tight however; I will make any effort possible to arrange for a place and time suitable to you. Please, send me a note marion.schwartz@cholangiocarcinoma.org

    Hugs and love to all,

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