Breast lumpectomy today

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    Thanks so much for the update. Let her know we are all thinking about her!



    David, thank you so very much for letting us know how Lisa is doing. I knew it would be tough as I have a friend just went through the exact same thing. I love your description of your beautiful wife as that is just how we picture Lisa! Please give her our very best!


    It was another tough day at the Cleveland Clinic for Lisa. It started at 6:45 am with the placement of the guide wire which helps the surgeon find the lump during surgery. It took three tries to get it right so the day was not off to a good start. We then moved to the surgical building, they did not start the IV until she got to the OR and the anestheslogist took four times to get it placed right. The actual surgery went very well and Dr. Crowe was happy with the results. The lump was removed and sent to pathology to review and we will have to wait a week to get the results. The prayer service was amazing the other night and got us through today. We are praying for good pathology report. My beautiful wife and soulmate never ceases to amaze me with her strength, faith, beauty and grace.

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