always worring about my chemo

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    Hampton and Tiff – I just saw this. We didn’t see Dr. Javle, but I wish I had seen this first I would have been on the lookout. The Dr. we meet with is Rachna Schroff – she seems quite knowledgeable and helpful as well. I will say I don’t have any doctors emails – so it’s amazing if Dr. Javle gives his out – AND he answers them!


    (p.s. – Continental has direct flights right to ICH which is who we fly) – easy flight with no connections!


    Hey Tiff, my wife is on Ativan also, it helps her keep ‘even keeled’ and not worry as much. My doctors put me on Zoloft too, not sure what it’s doing, but I’m not stressed out and don’t really worry at all. Maybe it’s my positive attitude…

    Like Tiff says, Dr. Javle is great! He has answered many peoples emails when they send them out of the blue like he did with mine, he cares and really wants to help. If you do see him, mention our names, maybe he’ll remember us (Tiff has seen him personally and I’m ony an etherworldly contact with him). Wish you luck, you should be getting on a plane in a day or so to get there. If you’re in Ft. Lauderdale, Southwest I believe has direct flights into Hobby, I go Tampa to Hobby direct for work (have projects at Johnson Space Center) and they are rarely late, always on time!


    Tom- I wish Ben (and you) all the luck at MD Anderson. Maybe you will see Dr. Javle, he is awesome!! Please report back to us! I hope everything is working and the tumors are going down.
    I’m trying less to worry. And have started taking a little Ativan when I start feeling sad / worried.


    Hey Tiffany I am a little behind (ok, way behind) on looking at posts – but my Ben is now about halfway through his 2nd round of the GEM/CIS protocol (his first he finished in April 2011 and his tumors shrunk by about half). So far he is about half way through this round and everything is stable.

    We are going to MD Anderson and meet with the doctors on Monday the 26th just for a second opinion on scans and on what options there are after GEM/CIS – so I defintely will report back.

    Meanwhile – I agree with everyone else, don’t worry. Sounds like there are plenty of options and combinations left so hang in there!



    Lainy- Feel free to send me your list. I will gladly worry over it for you. :)

    Pam- I do have some Ativan. 1 mg. Dr. Javle gave to to me to help with sleep. It didn’t really work, so now I take Ambien. So I might try to take one next time I start to worry too much.


    Hey, Tiff, I have a list of things I am worried about, may I send them over to you? You seem to be doing such a good job! Pam brought up Ativan and Teddy used that and it works but perhaps you could try a very small dosage? Love to you!



    Belieeeeeeve me when I say, I worry enough for everybody who has CC. So I got you covered. You need to find something better for your time. Seriously though, you could ask your doctor for some good anti-anxiety medicine. I know Ativan is for anti-anxiety. Do you ever take that to calm yourself down or just to help you sleep? I hope you can relax and quit worrying. Take care.

    Love, -Pam


    Pam- You always know how to calm me down. haha. Thanks!! I just can’t help but to worry SO much ALL the time. Maybe its time to start taking something for this problem of mine. =/



    Please take a chill pill. You are working yourself up way too much. Your chemo is working, so don’t worry. With your cisplatin reaction, they will probably run it slower so it won’t happen again. There are a lot of different chemos out there, so if some don’t work or quit working, they have something else to try. You are doing great and are seeing one of the best doctors that knows what he is doing. So let’s take a deep breath together, One…two…three…RELAX.

    Love, -Pam


    I think they only way they can measure a response is by imaging. Tumor markers are used also, but I’ve heard they are not really accurate.

    Best wishes,



    Is this normal? I worry its going to quit working. Anyone know the longest a person has been on cisplatin and gemzar? I wonder if the reaction i had to the cisplatin might be a sign my body has had enough?
    I try not to talk bad about my chemo, because it is saving my life! And i feel blessed that it is working. I do wonder if anyone knows what treatment md anderson puts cc people on after the gemzar and cisplatin quit working. Are there any signs we can look for when it comes to chemo and when it stops working?
    Sorry for any typos im on my phone.

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