Clinical study BGJ398. Should I take a chance?

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working Clinical study BGJ398. Should I take a chance?

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  • #59105

    I received a phone call from MD Anderson saying that I qualify for this very new clinical study
    BGJ398. It is a pill I would be taking and I would have to stay in Houston in order to participate in the trial. I have no clue where I would stay in Houston. I don’t really have enough money for hotels or rental cars. Do the people running these clinical studies pay for these things?
    At first I was very excited because I thought how great it would be to be off chemo (I am REALLY sick of chemo), but then I started reading all these really scary side effects. It could affect the cornea of the eye, heart – all kinds of stuff. Lots of testing is required and the main thing I wanted to escape about chemo – fatigue – yep, it’s a side effect along with hair loss. However, if this drug would have the possibility of buying me more time, I feel I should take a chance. But if I do the trial there will be no chemo. As much as I hate chemo, it is keeping the tumor from growing. So, I wanted to ask you what your opinions are of trials and what your experiences were like on them.
    Merry Christmas to everyone!

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