Today is 4 years from my successful Klatskins surgery

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Today is 4 years from my successful Klatskins surgery

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  • #16542

    That’s great Peter!! I hope my Dave has the same good fortune. He is trying alternative stuff now and is feeling well. Hope to still read your posts in another 4 years. Thanks for this encouraging news. Patrice


    Hey Peter ! Keep on trucking ! Let then 18 wheels keep on rolling.
    Jeff G.


    How wonderful!!! I bet we are all sitting around saying “I want some of THAT!” Such great news feeds the soul.



    Dear Peter,
    I’m just thrilled to hear of your success and continued well-being and I hope it keeps on like this for you until you’re at a ripe old age!!! Basically, ditto everything Marions said. People like you give us all hope.


    Dear Peter,

    Congratulations, Peter. What wonderful news and thank you for sharing this.

    Those of us involved in the fight against this cancer thrive on good news such as yours, thus allowing our spirits to stay high in order to move forward in this battle.

    Hoping and wishing for many more wonderful posts.



    I’m so incredibly fortunate.

    I did have metastasis last year but good fortune, some combination of the therapies/diet/lifestyle, and a huge dose of good luck leaves me today with a good quality of life and much to look forward to.

    Stay strong, become a courageous researcher and advocate for yourself, or if you are so blessed hopefully you have a caregiver who will provide this role for you.
    Get second, third and fourth opinions and explore alternative avenues of care if that is in your nature. Encourage research and funding for Cholangio anyway you can.

    This isn’t an easy disease . I wish you all could share my current, and I know I am in a grace period, good fortune.

    Love lots!


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