Vitamin D3 regulates cell viability in cholangiocarcinoma

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    Hi Helen. My rare cancer is called a GIST (Gastro Intestional Stromal Tumor). Most often appears somewhere in/on the stomach. Weird but like CC you don’t know you have it until it has gotten quite far along. Luckily they got it all with clean margins so I am only under the watchful eye of an ONC as the GIST can also return anywhere. There is only a chemo pill for it and I don’t even know the name. IF it should return also like CC the only real cure is surgery. I have told my ONC I am not going to worry about it. I have more important things to do. Am I not a little snot!? I have a dear friend who is a Doctor of research and her belief on vitamins and such is that we only need to take in what we are not producing enough of. When Teddy was in Hospice they told me the same thing and especially to go off Vitamin E. So, the only nutrients I take are D3, Calcium, Fish Oil and Zinc. I have not had a cold, sore throat or flu in 5 years and I attribute that to the Zinc. I don’t take the flu shot either. But with that said, everyone is different and one has to follow their own gut feelings. My daughter’s boyfriend has Lymphoma and was being treated for 4 years with Vitamin C intravenous. He felt it worked but he is now out of remission, so who knows. While nutrients and vitamins probably cannot hurt anything I am more for the scientific ways. But again, who is to say. The only thing different Teddy took was B12 shots once a month from the ONC for energy.


    Laniey…do you also take chemo? Or just supplements?


    Eli, thanks and feel free to jump in at anytime on anything! Guess WHAT? I AM taking D3 and have been for 5 years now. I take 5,0000 a day as it had showed me low in D. My GP put me on D3 for Mirgraines, heart and etc. At 72, I take that, Calcium, Fish Oil and cannot do without Zinc. That’s it. Well except for Prednisone now for UC or as I am now calling it “Dreadisone”.
    Hope you guys are doing good. And thanks.


    So glad Eli could tell us the difference. Because I have no clue. The study just said D3. I’m taking 1000 IU right now. So its just 1 pill. I will start to take 2000 IU in a few weeks.

    I’m also starting to do other stuff to heal more natural. I started epsom salt baths last night. Never know what might help!


    Lainy, may I answer that? :)

    Vitamin D is a group of vitamins: D1, D2, D3, D4, D5.

    Humans can digest only two of them: D2 and D3.

    When you buy a Vitamin D, check the fine print on the bottle. Is it D2 or D3? Most scientific studies say that D3 is easier to digest than D2 (though even that is subject to dispute).

    D3 also happens to be the form of Vitamin D that we naturally produce when our skin is exposed to ultraviolet in sunlight.


    Tiff, this dumbo here wants to know what is the diff between D3 and D. Do you know? I have been taking D for years.


    I’m going to start this today. I’m starting to look into more natural ways along with my chemo to cure my cancer.


    Similar to many other studies this one also warrants follow-up studies to validate the suspected findings.


    1000-2000 IU(international unit)Vitamin D3 daily by mouth should be ok.
    I took 2000 IU by mouth daily with or without chemotherapy of Xeloda.
    God bless.


    Hi everybody-

    I was doing some research and bumped into this study. So I started looking for old threads of people here talking about this study or vitamin d3. I saw a few posts about a few individuals who have been using/taking vitamin d3, although nothing widespread. The study’s title alone seems to indicate a curative potential, and even a synergistic effect with the noted chemotherapy drugs. Although it was only in vitro and in vivo. I did find one clinical study ( that intends to investigate vitamin d3 in CC cases.

    Anyway, my Mom has CC, and I am trying too figure out if supplementation of this vitamin could be helpful, what dosage is safe and would be potentially helpful. My only concern is that Vitamin D3 is processed by the liver, which as we know is typically the compromised organ in CC patients. She has not started chemo (folfox-6), but will be in the next week.

    Anyway, I wanted to open discussion, opinions , and feedback to the general community on this vitamin. All responses appreciated! :)

    Here’s the study:

    Vitamin D3 regulates cell viability in gastric cancer and cholangiocarcinoma.

    AuthorsBaek S, et al. Show all Journal
    Anat Cell Biol. 2011 Sep;44(3):204-9. Epub 2011 Sep 29.

    Department of Anatomy, Pusan National University School of Medicine, Yangsan, Korea.

    A low serum level of vitamin D has been associated with an increased incidence of gastrointestinal tract cancers. However, the effects of vitamin D3 have not been investigated in gastric cancer and cholangiocarcinoma. In the present study, we found that vitamin D3 treatment significantly suppressed the viability of gastric cancer and cholangiocarcinoma cells. Moreover, vitamin D3 had a synergistic effect with other anti-cancer drugs, such as paclitaxel, adriamycin, and vinblastine, for suppressing cell viability. To determine the underlying mechanism involved in the regulation of viability by vitamin D3, we examined the effects of vitamin D3 on expression of hedgehog signaling target genes, which has been associated with gastric cancer and cholangiocarcinoma. Vitamin D3 treatment decreased the level of mRNA expression of patched1, Gli1, cyclin D1, and Bcl2, suggesting the possibility that vitamin D3 may act through regulation of hedgehog signaling. From the above results, we conclude that vitamin D3 regulates cell viability in gastric cancer and cholangiocarcinoma.

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