Would it work?

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    Thank you Lainy… my mom is only 74… we are actually thinking to take her to see my sister. This is not only a problem for my mom but for my sister herself because she might think that this is a good-bye and that is why we are bringing my mom to see her but on the other hand she is her daugther and my mom has the holy right to see her and know about her no matter how serious is her illness. I know my mom will not survive after this.

    My sister is being treated also about her depression.



    Dear Jose, “stable or no growth” is what we want to hear. That is actually good news. I sure wish that they could find something so that your Sister would not be so depressed perhaps what they are giving her for depression is not working. I am sorry about your Mom, you really have your hands full. My Mom lived to be 94 but had Alz. at the end. We never told her about Teddy, she loved him so much. After his Memorial my daughter, son and my brother and sister went to see my Mom. She had her radio on and ‘our’ song came on and my daughter said, “oh, that is Mom & Teddy’s song”. Well my Mom sat stright up in bed, looked at my daughter and asked, “who died? someone died? I know someone died”. They just told her no one.
    My point is that somehow they seem to know things way back in that dark tunnel.
    Wishing for your sister to get better.


    Thank you Marion. It seems that chemo has worked in the sense that the tumor has not grown and one of the cancer markers (I am not sure if this is the word in English but its one of the tests)Ca 19.9 (I think…) has drop from a concentration of 16 to 10. But as you can see this is very little: basically, the cancer has been stopped so far. It was after three cycles. According to the doctor this is “working”. In the meantime she is getting worse psychologically, anxious and depressed and being treated in these problems. One thing that concerns me a lot is my mother who does not know the real illness of her daughter. She is also ill (alzheimer) and too weak and she will not get over something like this. It’s really sad.

    All the best


    Jose….The weight loss is concerning and yes, the chemo combo has shown positive results in other patients. Awaiting scan results is one of the most anxiety provoking situations we encounter with this disease – I hear you and I feel for you.
    Know that my fingers are crossed for a good report and that tons of good wishes are heading your way. Please, keep us posted.


    Dear friends,

    Tomorrow my sister (CC stage IV) will have a CAT to check out whether or not quemo has worked. She has got 4 cycles of quemo (Gemcitabina + Oxaliplatino)… I am very scared that this has not worked. I have seen her deterioration, her progressive cachexia… would it work? Does it normally work? I know its a question with no answer since each case is unique, I just wanted to share my fears and my feelings.

    All the best

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