Radiation/chemo xeloda experience??

Discussion Board Forums Chemotherapy & More Radiation/chemo xeloda experience??

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    I thought I’d chime in. I had Xeloda. I start radiation in a couple of weeks.
    Xeloda gave me rare side effects. Dizziness blurry vision. I also had hand and foot syndrome but after 4 cycles and a month break, that is gone.
    I hope you have good luck with the treatment.


    fatigue is a major problem for me since I am on Xeloda for 10 cycles ;normally 6 months of Xeloda will be fine in most of the cases;most likely ,taking a nap for 2 hrs each day will help; if still feeling the same, your oncologist will lower your dose to 1000mg twice daily or shorten the dosing schedule.diarrhea is another problem as well as anemia and creatinine clearance;I do not experience any hand foot and skin problems ;but much depends on your health status before and after the diagnosis of CCA
    John Hopkins is one of the best place for treatment so you are in good hands.
    God bless.


    I’m into it early with radiation 5 days a week for 5.5 weeks. Also taking 1500 mg of Xeloda twice a day. After the first 2 weeks, I’m doing fine except for fatigue. Should be interesting to see how things progress each coming week. My prayers are with you folks experiencing some of the side effects. I’m sure things will change for me as the treatments accumulate.


    Mymom-I am a CC survivor due to a transplant. I did not have twice a day radiation and my clinical trial was the Mayo trial, in fact my doctor (Dr. William Chapman) helped develop it. I am so excited your mom qualifies for this trial. I will repeat, be prepared to be pretty fatigued at the end, during the six weeks of radiation it was OK, but a few days after it hit me like a ton of bricks!!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy


    Susie, they are going with twice a day radiation to be in compliance with the requirements for liver transplantation. Per the rad. Oncologist he didn’t think there’s anything unique about twice daily radiation – it just happens that this was how the original Mayo Clinic study was performed and they need to faithfully reproduce what was done at Mayo to achieve identical results.

    Marion, she’ll be getting intensity modulated radiation (IMRT) – Per the dr. he tried to get a simpler?? (3D conformal) plan yesterday but was not happy with the amount of scatter radiation to the uninvolved (healthy) liver with IMRT but he’s not done with the final plan yet. will keep updated.



    I had radiation and took Xeloda twice a day. No side effects from the Xeloda, that I know of, but radiation made me really ill. I guess I can’t say for certain the Xeloda did not give me side effects since I never had it without radiation, but I am fairly confident it was the radiation and not the Xeloda. I believe this because the vomiting lasted for about 2 wks after the radiation stopped. I haven’t heard of anyone getting radiation twice a day for weeks at a time. I had it once a day, 5 days a week for 6 weeks. They did say if I missed a session, I could possibly get 2 in one day.
    I think a lot of my vomiting was caused by acid reflux and maybe an ulcer/gastritis from the radiation. I would suggest your mom talk to the Dr about going on a proton pump inhibitor. It helped me greatly and they are usually well tolerated.
    Please let me know if you want more details or have any other questions.
    I finished radiation the end of November. I was sick for the last 2weeks of radiation and for about 2 weeks after it stopped, but I did feel better after that.

    Best wishes,


    Mymom-I took XELODA for 5 months while waiting for transplant, I had no side effects. I did receive a weekly phone call from the Xeloda company nurse.
    I also had radiation with a 5FU pump prior, for 6 weeks with no major side effects. I did become extremely tired at the end of treatments, just competely wiped out, I just climbed in my recliner and stayed there for a while.
    Lots of prayers and HOPE-Cathy


    Mymom….the above symptoms can occurr however; they don’t necessarily happen to all. The hand and foot syndrome does happen frequently therefore; it might be advisable for your Mom to use heavy lotions and creams on hands and feet to avoid cracking of skin. Gloves and socks offer great protection for nighttimes.
    If I may ask: what type of radiation has been suggested?

    And, hugs to the little guy awaiting the return of his Mom.



    Diarrhea, Hand-and-foot syndrome, sores in the mouth, fatigue, rash on arms and legs. I fly back home Friday night and she starts radiation next week so I know I’ll be on pins and needles. My 8 year old son on the other hand is ecstatic to see his mama. I plan on being back in about a month once his school ends.


    Hi! I’m also on xeloda. I have been om it for 7 days so far and don’t have any side effects other than being a little more fatigued. What side effects did they tell you about? My doctor talked like xeloda is an easy chemo.


    Hello Cc family,

    We saw a Radiation oncologist this morning that Dr. Javle referred my mom to. She is to undergo radiation twice a day for three weeks along with Chemo tablet Xeloda 500mg. We talked about the side effects and wanted to know if you took xeloda, did u experience any? She had the internal stents out last week since they were useless but will have to deal with the external ones for a while. Overall she feels great, appetite is fair/average. Thanks in advance for your help.

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