High bilirubin level

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    agudun…great news. Have you ever thought of searching out a doctor practicing integrative medicine?


    I’m so new to all this. Monitoring my husband from day to day. Was very upset last week when he started having chills, weakness, ‘the runs’ and generally feeling bad. Joy of joys….we realized that it was opiate withdrawal as it was just the time when he decided that he needed to go off the tramadol completely as he didn’t need them any more.
    What a relief! He is now back on schedule with his exercise regime. He’s been weak as a kitten and emaciated. Feeling stronger every day though.
    He should have come down off the painkillers a lot more slowly. We were just told to use tramadol ‘as needed’ so when it wasn’t needed we didn’t realize just how powerful they are.
    Still waiting to see results of next thursday’s bloodwork and weight.
    We haven’t allowed any negativity to intrude and insist on a circle of positivity around him. Also keeping up with the intensive organic nutritional therapy. We would love to go totally natural and stay away from drugs. We are compromising by using both herbal remedies and allopathic. !


    Hi Agudun,

    Thanks for letting us know how your husband is doing. And it is great to hear that he is getting some relief from his pain. Hoping that this continues for him and please keep us updated on how things go for you all.

    Best wishes,



    Hi Agudun,

    When my Dad was first diagnosed his bilirubin levels were 600 (we are in the UK so perhaps the reading may be equivalent to 60?) I know for chemo it had to be at level 50.

    So glad to hear his jaundice has disappeared, that’s a wonderful sign.



    agudun….the fact that your husband’s jaundice has disappeared is a wonderful sign. I wish for good things to continue. Please keep us posted.


    Thank you for the welcome. Our two sons and I took it on ourselves though a great deal of research to do all the alternative therapies. Each of them on its own has had beneficial results in others so we decided that we would do everything humanely possible to fight this. Our bodies are amazing and I think, have the power to fight anything given enough support in the way of nutrition therapy to build up the body’s immunity system. The coffee enemas in particular give so much relief from pain and help to drain the toxins to the large intestine.


    Hi Agudun,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all and I’m sorry to hear about your husband. But you have done the right thing in joining in with us here as you will get loads of support and help from us all. I can’t help you either regarding the high levels of your husband bili but hopefully other will be able to offer more.

    Looking forward to hearing more from you and if we can help in any way then please just ask.

    My best wishes to you and your husband,



    where you get the alternative treatment;in a hospital or clinic?
    I think the normal is 5-17 in other country.
    Recently we had a member who has Gilbert’s disease and his bilirubin is very high; but now is back to HIS normal of 4.1.
    God bless.


    agudun…welcome. You will find that the great members of this site are generous with their support, information, and caring for each touched by this cancer. I don’t recall any postings reporting a bilirubin level such as the one your husband is displaying, but then again someone else may have and will inform us accordingly.
    Fingers are crossed for a great report next week. Please keep us posted. We care.


    My husband was diagnosed with bile duct cancer Feb 2012.His bilirubin level went from 10 to 25 to 40 and peaked at 80. I’ve never heard such a high level. We immediately put him on a nutritional therapy diet, coffee enemas, H2o2 routine. We do pau d’arco, coQ2, liquid C, MSM. beetroot extract, artichoke extract, horse chestnut, milkthistle and other things. He seems to be stablizing and his jaundice has disappeared. He has more energy and is on a 3,500 cal diet. It will be interesting to see if his biliruben levels have gone down at his next week check up. Incidently he is in Ireland. Has anyone else heard of such high bilirubin levels ?

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