ASCO 2012 – Gastrointestinal (Noncolorectal) Cancer Abstracts

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  • #61084

    Glad to be of help to you both, and if I see more ASCO updates etc I’ll be sure to post them here. Not had a chance to read the abstracts yet Eli but thanks for pointing that one out for us all.

    And Percy, check your email please!!!!! I sent you something last night so could you take a look at it and get back to me before Sunday night if possible so that I can pass it on to Helen? And I’ll ask Helen about BILCAP as well for you too.

    Thanks guys.



    Gavin, thank you so much for posting this link.

    I quickly read all abstracts about CC. This one caught my attention:

    Gemcitabine and oxaliplatin (GEMOX) alone or in combination with cetuximab as first-line treatment for advanced biliary cancer: Final analysis of a randomized phase II trial (BINGO)


    GEMOX-cetuximab regimen was well tolerated and met its primary endpoint (4-month PFS ≥60%). However, median PFS and OS were similar in both arms. Exploratory analyses (e.g., KRAS tumor status) are underway to identify pt subgroups deriving benefit from the addition of cetuximab to CTx.

    Bold font is mine.

    It’s disappointing to see that GEMOX+cetuximab failed to show advantage over GEMOX alone. Up until now, GEMOX+cetuximab seemed to be the most promising new protocol.


    Thanks again, I printed all of them out and see which one I need to talk to the presenter at the poster session. I have already read a couple,but did not find the BICAP study; I was told this year ,they will present a few more distinguish posters each day which deem more important. They will only announce the posters each day at 0000 on the web as well as printed newspaper each day.So Iguest I may find the answer there.
    Please ask them will they have their BICAP study post in the ASCO meeting,or in oral session so I will not miss them . If I may ,can Helen what other articls or posters they will present at the coming ASCO.
    I like to know , learn about their research in English.
    Make sure you say hi to you mum for me,I will spend more time in preparing for the ASCO that means I will much less time here till the middle of June.
    God bless.

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