Off to ASCO

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    Marion, safe travel and thanks for the information on Asco. I sure hope you can all see each other at some point and a BIG THANK you goes out to all our CC volunteers. Please give a special hug to Percy!


    Hi Marion,

    Thank you for letting us know about what will be happening as ASCO. My thanks to you, Percy and Karen for attending the conference and for the work that you will all be doing there. And my thanks as well to everyone else who is attending the conference too. And of course, many thanks to everyone who is involved in organising and running the CCF booth and everything else that will be happening at ASCO this year.

    So looking forward to reading what comes out of the conference, and also hopefully to seeing some photos as well!

    Have a good time everyone and also have a safe trip too!

    Hugs to everyone,



    Friday morning I will be heading to Chicago for the to American Society of Clinical Oncology conference. Here I will meet up with Barbara, (NH,) Stella, Brian (I hope,) Karen, who is attending on a Research Advocate grant and Percy, who also has received the same grant. Additionally Percy has signed up for the Three –Annual Meeting
    Seminars, beginning tomorrow.

    I mentioned previously that The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation has been chosen to receive (for the second year) one of the 20 premier locations available to not-for-profit patient advocacy organizations. As you know the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation was born out of love and every hour that has gone into it has been volunteered by board members and numerous other, wonderful people. We are thrilled and grateful to the ASCO organization to grant us this special venue to promote our foundation and to give us the opportunity to interact and exchange information with physicians, researchers, and fellow advocates.

    Percy and Karen will have to attend specific sessions geared to Research Advocacy however; I hold out hope for us to be able to connect at the booth or the Advocacy lounge for a picture and some talk. We may also have the ability to connect during the Research Review Sessions for Patient Advocates. During these sessions, expert faculty will review and highlight disease-specific topics and oncology-related subjects. It is then followed by a question and answer period.
    Unlike the previous years the poster board presentations will be accessible at all times. This is really helpful because; in the past posters were removed at a specific time to make room for the next set of presentations. Considering the size of McCormick Hall and the numerous sessions to attend we had encountered some real difficulties in getting there on time. We are looking forward to the reports given by Karen and Percy.

    Stella and Barbara have accepted invitations to the ASCO President’s Recognition Reception on Saturday evening. During the reception, ASCO President, Michael Link, MD, will honor ASCO leaders, members, volunteers, and patient advocates for the important work they do to help support and advocate on behalf of the cancer community.

    So, if you don’t hear much from either Percy or me then you know the reasons. We are looking forward to reporting back to you soon after the conference.

    Hugs to all,

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