Recurrence after 4 years

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    Minh….tomorrow’s CT scan should show a clearer picture as to why your Mom is in so much pain. Is medication giving her some relief? As Lainy has suggested, a consultation with a radiation oncologist might be something to consider.
    Please keep us posted. We care.


    Dear Minh, I am so sorry to hear this news. My husband had a Whipple and they removed his Duodenum. His CC returned 2 times to the same place where the Duodenum used to be. He had Cyber Knife which is non invasive to remove the tumor. The tumor must be under 7cm. Not sure if they would do it with all the other involvement but worth a try to ask. Also they should be able to control the pain, so I hope the Doctors are aware of the pain. The most important thng is to keep the patient comfortable. Sending you the best.


    Hi all,

    Thank you all so much for your shares and advice. I saw the Dr this afternoon and we talked about the result. Her blood count was too low (consequence of having 2 times of Chemo), but more sadly it is actually a recurrence. But not in the uterus. The main recurrence is at the operation area.

    So…dont know what to do, but 4 year fighting is not a long period, long enough, so we still have to do the best we can. Now she is having infusion of albumin, WBC and RBC to make her better. Then we will think about chemo again.

    Tomorrow we will have the CT scan to see if we can do a surgery. But I am not sure if she can make it as she is having too much pain.

    Will keep you updated about tomorrow result.

    Best wishes


    In addition, I just have the chance to talk to the pathologist that I know from work.
    she told me it is rare but it is possible thru the blood circulation; all it needs to do is an immunochemistry assay for the tissue sample of the uterus and the bile duct cancer to see whether the cell structures of both of the cancer is related.
    But she said it is also possible that instead of thinking metastasized from the CCA; there is possible that a patient can have diagnosis of 2 different PRIMARY cancers at the SAME time.(ie: both the uterus and the CCA are primary cancers instead of related.)
    God bless.


    Haiminh……I am sorry to hear of the latest developments. I don’t disagree with Percy in that this cancer can spread to the uterus. On this board however we have not seen it. You might want to have another specialist render his or her opinion. Please keep us posted.


    I am a patient of CCA for 3 years and counting;it is God’s Grace for me to live that long.

    I know if the bile duct cancer originated from the common bile duct or the distal bile duct;they can metastasize downward or spread to the abdominal areas and develop peritoneal carcinomatosis ( cancer nodules in or on the fat layer inside the abdomen); It can also spread to the ovary and the uterus and develop ovarian cancer and/ or uterus or endometrial cancer. My sister-in-law developed ovarian cancer due to the extrahepatic bile duct cancer metastasized to the ovary; she also developed peritoneal carcinomatosis; Gemzar and cisplatin usually works on both of the CCA and the ovarian tumor.
    CT scan with contrast may provide more information about the current status of the tumor sizes and nodules involvement. 2nd opinion by experienced doctor on medical oncology is recommend.
    BTW, I am just a patient and not a doctor.
    God bless.


    My friends,

    Long time without talks to you. It is 1 month ahead so that my Mom gets her 4 year anniversary. She got surgery 4 years ago (July 08) and things have been normal then, except CA19.9 being up since Oct 2010. We still got regular PET scan and blood test after surgery, and the last scan was done last October, which do not show any abnormal in her body. However, she got pains (severe) since beginning this year, and until today, we got an ultrasound (the PET to be done next week). The Dr said there were lots of tumors surrounding the uterus (which made her uncomfortable and painful in the abdomen, and whenever she wanted to make stool.

    Has anyone experienced that recurrence occurred in the uterus?

    Best wishes,

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