anything we cando about a bit of confusion, forgetfulness ?

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion anything we cando about a bit of confusion, forgetfulness ?

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    Reading all your messages, can totally understand what you are going through. My dad is having some slight confusion and also elevated ammonia levels in blood. His BUN is also elevated. I asked the doctors if it was a sign of liver failure, and they said no, but the BUN level is due to probably dehydration and also ammonia due to liver not being able to fliter out all toxins.

    My dad was really good earlier this week and then had his AVASTIN / GEMZAR on Wednesday and then went into this weird state on Friday. Cannot understand how he can change so quickly. The CT scan in the emergency room done yesterday shows still disease progression and only his right side liver is clear of tumors. His Bilirubin is elevated at 2.1 and slightly jaundiced.

    I feel so helpless watching him like this and can only say to those going through the same thing to hang in there and keep at it!


    Yes, several similarities with our men! Rick is also beginning to notice weight loss once again, altho not bad yet. He does admit the appetite is not normal and he is trying to keep eating well. Rick was diagnosed after a jaundice emmergency room trip, CT showed Bob loud and clear on the liver.When they stented the bile duct, it made a whole difference !


    Robyn –
    All of this is so heartbreaking. I have noticed my husband slipping lately also. Just over a month ago he was cutting the grass and doing things around the house like nothing was wrong. Now his energy level has droped and he has lost all the weight he had gained back since he was diagnosed in March. I am so glad we have this great support system within this site, otherwise I don’t know how any of us would make it through this. – Colleen


    Yes, I try to play it off….he always was a bit spacey, and so am i. But it is beginning to bother him altho it is not bad enough yet to make a big deal out of. I am thinking tho, how bad can it get? He is also starting to loose weight again after gaining, and i see him slipping. After the MD Anderson visit last week he is understanding that he probably wont get out of this one alive and well. Now he is accepting his fate instead of being angry and bitter. He says he is finding some peace. All of this is heartbreaking, as we ALL KNOW !


    My husband is having some mild confusion and has gotten disoriented a couple of times also. I don


    Doctor told me that the confusion is due to toxins in the blood that the liver is having problems clearing. He prescribed Laculose for my husband and it did help. It is liquid and about the consisancy of honey and very sticky. As for water, my husband always said that it tasted bad to him, he drank a lot of gatorade because he found that more palatable, especially mango flavored. Hope this helps, I understand totally what you are experiencing. May God bless and help you.


    Husband Rick still has slight confusion, it doesnt seem to be any worse but it is still there, and adds to his agitation. His blood looks good, or so they say. I cant read the reports and have had little success in researching to be able to understand what they mean. When we were in Huston I was very aware that he now has little sense of direction, and being in a strange environment brought out more confusion. Is there anything we can do about that? I wish he would get more water down, but he does work on that. Anyone have any info ? He is normal other than a bit of confusion and depression (cant blame him there) still strong etc. thanks

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