ASCO 2012

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  • #61926

    A huge thank you from me as well to everyone involved at this years ASCO!! What outstanding work and a massive effort from you all as well!! Time for you all to put your feet up for a bit and have a well earned drink or two! Thank you all so very very much.

    Hugs to you all,



    A BIG thank you goes out to all of you who attended ASCO, we cannot thank you enough. This is the most dedicated, caring and loiving site I have ever seen and together with advocates like all of you, how can we not beat this CC one day!


    I would like to extend a big thank you to Percy, Barbara, Karen, and Stella for donating their voluntary and non-compensated time and efforts to this annual event. Given the current economic situation volunteering for our non-profit organization truly has become a gift of love.

    Attendance at ASCO is kind of a marathon event. It provides us with the opportunity to share resources, interact with physicians, researchers and other advocates while attending planetary session, symposiums, and sessions focusing on improving the treatment and care of people living with cancer. It reflects the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation’s commitment to educational research, and public policy goals and to provide our patient community with the most up to date information available.

    While Percy and Karen attended sessions on common concepts in oncology which include cancer pathways, genomics, biomarkers, statistics, and patient protections, Barbara and Stella interacted with the numerous physicians, researchers and others visiting our busy booth. Most of my time was taken up by attending various, closed session meetings pertaining to the disease of Cholangiocarcinoma and the process and development of clinical trials.

    Traffic at our booth has increased dramatically over the last few years and I am happy to report that ASCO 2012 has been a successful event for us. We are witnessing an increased effort by the scientific and medical and community in furthering research and improving treatment options for our community. As we continue to strive to support the efforts of finding a cure for this cancer, we are encouraged and hopeful that our goal can be achieved.

    Hugs to all,

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