feeling like a fool ;-( Update on my Super Mom

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    MMKing….metastases to the omentum are not uncommon with disease progression of Cholangiocarcinoma. I am sorry to her that your Mom had been given the news no one wants to hear – my heart goes out to you and your family. The good in all the bad is that she is feeling rather well and hopefully this will continue for a long time. The time to come will allow for everyone to cherish the wonders of life and the preciousness of our being. I wish for your garden crop to be the best ever.


    Thank you for your kind words and insight…. I appreciate it! you all are amazing!
    I posted in another place, but my sister sent the below out to my family, maybe it will help….

    Ecclesiastes 3:1–11

    To every thing there is a season, and aa time to every bpurpose under the heaven:

    2 A time * to be born, and a time to cdie;

    A time to plant, and a time to dpluck up that which is planted;

    3 A time to kill, and a time to heal;

    A time to break down, and a time to build up;

    4 A time to weep, and a time eto laugh;

    A time to mourn, and a time to dance;

    5 A time fto cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together;

    A time to embrace, and a time g* to refrain from embracing;

    6 A time to * get, and a time to lose;

    A time to keep, and a time to cast away;

    7 A time to hrend, and a time to sew;

    A time ito keep silence, and a time to speak;

    8 A time to love, and a time to hate;

    A time of war, and a time of peace.

    Or, if you prefer a more modern version:

    The Byrds: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6jxxagVEO4


    Dear MMKing, NEVER feel you are a fool, none of us know much about CC, really. About all we do know is we know not much. Teddy’s NEVER went to his liver in the 5 1/2 years but had returned to where his duodenum used to be. We knew it was not a good situation and that the ONC and Radman were watching something for months. They knew in February it was not good but did not tell us until June. These are top in the field DOCs. At first I was angry but then I reasoned out, what good would it have done? We were always prepared even though we tried to be realistically optimistic. I actually thanked them later for giving us those 4 care free months. Six years ago his surgeon felt he would only survive a year and we bought him 5 1/2. We were greatful for that. I so commend you for looking into Hospice now. When you are ready and you will know then, they will jump right in to action. In the meantime enjoy what ever time you have and it could be longer than you think. I think CC has a mind of it’s own and we just never know what direction it is going to take.


    Unload all you want!! It’s awful to go to the dr. expecting to hear good news only to find out you were wrong. I know the feeling all too well, and have had my share of vents. And I also understand having an onc with the personality of a rock. My main onc is like that. Brilliant, but not friendly at all…
    I wish your mom had gotten better news. I don’t know anything about the “omentum”?? I hope someone here can give you some information and a little support.
    My only pertinent comment I can say is to tell her as long as she keeps feeling good she’s proving the docs wrong. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

    I will keep your mom and your family in my prayers. I hope something can go right soon for her.


    ( First of all i apologize for the typos and scatterbrained writing that is about to occure- there prob should be some sort of locking device on the internet when you are upset.)

    About a week or so ago i introduced my mom- our Super Woman ;-) but that is not why i feel a fool.. she still is amazingly super hero-ish. After completing her ‘last’ chemo treatment on June 1st- she had her 2nd follow up appointment today- to supposedly tell her that everything was as it was back in early April when after 9 rounds of chemo the Dr. told her it was looking good- as in nothing changed from the begining (ir no visbale growth) and that she could finish up the whole 12 rounds , get checked and take teh summer off. Despite the fact that her tumor markers shot up quit a bit …. he didnt seem to get alarmed.
    Well today my poor mom and my sister got quit an alarming shock of bad news (and it doesnt make it easier that her Onc. has about as much bedside manner/compassion as a ingrown toenail) Apparently the chemo did not work, and her cancer has spread into the OMENTUM which as far as we know is the fatty aligning of the abdominal wall and not a good place to be. This lining-in the peritoneum area is not responsive to any chemo with any great success(less than 20%) and side effects not conducive to quality of life.
    I have yet to look further into this Omentum thing, but it is odd (to me at least) that hers is spreading down vs up towards teh liver- but what to i know.

    So the next step is to get set up with Hospice- as its importnat to do that sooner rather than later… that i do know.

    My head is filled with questions and wanting to find out How and Why they didnt see this 6 weeks ago, OR because she is 89 the Dr (who is not my fav/ right now) was already resigned to this fact. Of course i realize that i want to blame someone… My biggest gripe is that i had such hope that her appointment today would be better.. I feel so horrible for my mom who also had such hope- to have to go through this kind of let down. She still is way stronger than i am, but i wish i could protect her.

    She is still feeling pretty good…. i hope and pray that continues…..

    Everyone on this site is amazing, and it felt so good to kow that there was a place i could immediatly unload to that would understand.

    Thank you.

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