My husband’s cancer.

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! My husband’s cancer.

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  • #62063

    Hi Joanne,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all but thank you so much for sharing your husbands story with us all. And he is indeed doing great and that is so good to hear, there is hope as you say. Looking great and feeling great too, I like that a lot! And healthy and happy, I like that as well! I hope that you will keep coming back here and let us know how your husband gets on, looking forward to hearing more good news from you.

    Best wishes,



    Dear Joanne, welcome to our remarkable family but wish you had not had to join.
    On the other hand….you are a breath of fresh air with a wonderful story of hope and courage. You made my day. Yes, attitude is everything and you both have IT going on. I wish for your continued good reports and please don’t be a stranger as we love to have updates!


    It has been exactly a year since my husband had liver resection (2/3 of his liver for cholangio). His cancer was picked up by a very, very bright doctor who had noticed his alk phos was quickly rising. He is now almost four months out from chemo and is doing fantastic. He looks great, feels great (except for lingering smells from the chemo and some discomfort in his abdomen probably due to either the radiation or adhesions from the surgery. On frozen section he was clean and doctor informed us he was best case scenario as he presented without any symptoms, but on final path analysis he had microscopic cells on one of the margins, hence the radiation/chemo, then rest and then infusional chemo. Again he is doing fantastic. Considering how blessed we are that this silent cancer was caught early, attitude and healthy living all come into play. When he felt too tired to talk or do anything during the chemo a walk around the house, just getting outside made him feel human again. There is hope. I have researched many sites where I just broke down and cried thinking this was the end, that we would never make it this far. Here he is healthy and happy, we will stay on top of this and hope and pray for advances in the cure and palliation of this horrible monster.


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