A zebrafish model of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma by dual expressio

Discussion Board Forums New Developments A zebrafish model of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma by dual expressio

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  • #62315

    Thank you Percy!! My mum says hi to you too and she hopes that you get some rain to help with your lawn. Nothing worse than a beautiful lawn drying out and going brown, yuck!! And woo hoo, we are in for a few days of sun here but I don’t think we will need to worry about the lawn drying out! Just glad I decided not to try and grow some tomatoes this summer as that would have been a complete waste of time! There’s always next year though…..

    Enjoy your Sunday and take it easy now!



    Hi, Gavin,
    Thank for that piece of info. Again I guess what Tom Jone sings about ” a green green grass of home” is true. The not so good thing is my beautiful lawn is golden brown.
    Hi, how are you? Gavin ‘ mum. Is he always a good Dundee gentleman and remember to say hi from me to you. Just kidding.he is a gentleman and you are lucky to have a son caring for you.
    God bless.


    Hi Pecry,

    Yes I thought that this piece would be of interest to you and I’m glad that you liked it. Hopefully you will be able to find out more info about it all and hopefully also it will be of use to you as well. If it works for the zebra fish then fingers crossed it works for you too!

    As always, of course I will say hi to my mum from you. And again as always, your weather is better right now than ours! It is raining and it has been raining for ages with more rain expetced tomorrow, I should be a weather presenter! Some parts of the UK had a months worth of rain in one night last night, not good!

    Enjoy the sun and make sure you take it easy!



    If doxycycline (an antibiotic) can decrease the formation of ICC ,which the hepatitis B/C are the risk factors, then for me it will be the cheapest way to prevent recurrence.
    Hopefully it will work on me as it works on the zebra fish.
    You can buy 100 capsules for just 4 dollars here in the States.
    Thanks for the info and I will look into it further.
    Now, make sure to say hi to your mum , here in Chicago,the weather is fine ,sunny ,and in the low 80’s.
    God bless.


    A zebrafish model of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma by dual expression of hepatitis B virus X and hepatitis C virus core protein in liver.


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