Email from dr. Javle.

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working Email from dr. Javle.

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  • #62451

    Tiff: watch the feet. I’ve been off Xeloda for a month now and my feet just started peeling. I got lax with the cream….. I’m pretty upset that it’s happening so long after treatment was stopped….
    Watch the pedicures, too…


    Xeloda= no barefoot walking around for me. I got to protect these feet! Pedi next weekend, even though the doctor said no. I know the people at my spa, and they are very clean.


    Grrrr……Preds!!!!! I’d blame it on them too Lainy! In fact, I’d blame everything on the Preds! It’s been bucketing down over here for a few months now and I blame your Preds for that as well!!!

    Hoping that the rain continues for you!! :)


    You are all too funny. I am having my first hard summer with the heat but am blaming it on my Prednisone (Dreadnisone). Last night was fabulous. We had our first tiny rain but the lightening was magnificent!


    Nevermind not just walking around at Lainy’s in barefeet Kris, don’t think I’d be moving too far away from the air con unit in her house! Unless that was of course to run to the pool and dive in……but then again, you could boil in that water in the pool!!


    Hi Tiff, What wonderful news and how blessed you are to have such a rare doctor who obviously cares deeply enough for every patient to answer emails!
    As for all you guys out there with hot, dry weather please send some to BC where we have been deluged with rain causing floods, highway closures and destruction. Hugs and love, Nancy


    We are having our Monsoon season now lasts about 3 months and tonight got in a dust storm and a tiny bit of rain, first since March. Yes, at 113 you can fry an egg on the sidewalk. It’s all ok though as we go from the car to the house and go to the pool in the evening. Very little humidity.


    No walking barefoot around Lainy’s area that’s for sure. Especially for those of us with neuropathy!! Blisters?? How did I get them??? :D
    I think the 88ish around here is bad enough, but we get the humidity too. So it can be oppressive.


    Got nooooo idea at all how all of you guys manage in that heat all summer!!! Think I should be grateful for my rain here!! 112o……….ouch!!!!!!!


    Oh Tiffany, I love that doctor as well!! WOW, what a great great man!!! You´re gonna be just fine!! I know it!!


    Geez that is hot!


    HOT? re you talking HOT? Tomorrow will be 112o in Phoenix. But not humid even though we are in our Monsoon season. No rain since last March. Baby it’s hot outside.


    It is very hot here. I can’t even check the mail or walk the dog with would feeling dizzy. I think it’s a good idea to wait.


    Cathy I gave up sugar because I don’t want those lymph nodes growing any more until radiation gets going. And yes, I used chemo as an excuse to eat badly. Dr. Fong scared me last month and so I’m off MOST sugar and trying to eat healthy so I don’t get sick!!!
    Tiff: AL will probably wait until after radiation now. I don’t even know when I’m starting yet. Will find out next Tues. and how long…. probably gonna try for after Labor Day because it’s just too darned hot down there right now! :)


    Lol kris. Dr. Pepper is so hard to give up. I just love that stuff. I haven’t had any today. I like Cathy’s outlook. ;);) love ya too cc sister! Now hurry and get to AL!

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