CT scan on Thursday

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    Pam, it is so understandable. On top of the CC worry you are probably physically and mentally worn down. Just a suggestion but would it be possible for you and hubby to sneak in 2 days to overnight in a totally different surrounding? In Phoenix we call it a staycation where you just overnight in your hometown. Perhaps somewhere with a pool or near a tourist attraction. Sometimes a little break is needed, it’s called being kind to yourself. Heck, come out here and stay with me!


    It is very overwhelming being the primary caregiver. I am so thankful that Lauren has done well so far. I can’t imagine taking care of her if she was always sick like some of our members deal with. I am beginning to crack under the pressure and will call for an appointment to see my doctor once Lauren’s appointment is over tomorrow. I think depression is creeping up on me. I cry over pretty much everything and just don’t have a zest for life anymore. I am sure once I see the doctor and talk to him, I will feel better. Take care, Melissa. I understand how you are feeling more than you know.


    Prayers for your family, keep fighting, tell your Mom there is always another treatment or option…never give up.


    I’m so sorry to hear it Pam. And thank you for the positive energy. It’s strange – it feels like I was just sitting here on my sofa a few days ago writing that I just found out the devastating news that my mom has stage III cancer and now she has already completed 6 chemo txs and is getting scanned. And it is getting harder all the time. She is feeling worse all the time, eating less, getting more sluggish and sleepy, depressed, etc. And I am the primary caregiver because my brother and dad aren’t stepping it up. It feels like my summer hasn’t even started and with young kids and a school to run, I *need* a break. Even scheduling a simple social work appointment is a huge battle in my family because they don’t want to talk about it. Yes Marion, scanxiety is clearly creeping in.


    Melissa I am sending cyber hugs and good thoughts your way for some good news!


    Melissa….they call it scanxiety and it can take from you the positive thoughts. For now I am crossing my fingers for the best news possible.


    Keep trying Melissa. If you get knocked down, you dust yourself off and get up and keep fighting. Prayers are being said for great news. It is really hard waiting. We just had bad news, but we are never giving up. We just go to the next option.

    Hugs, -Pam


    My mom has completed 6 chemo treatments and gets her first post chemo scan on Thursday. She is nervous and waffling between being wildly optimistic and completely pessimistic. She said to me today, “What if it didn’t work?” and I didn’t know what to say. I think the plan is to keep trying, right?

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