Neupogen making Alkaline Phosphatase go up?

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    Alk phos is back to normal. It was the neupogen.


    My wife’s WBCs jumped up and down like crazy when she did chemo and Neupogen. Chemo brought them down below normal range. Neupogen brought them up above normal range. We skipped a few Neupogen shots once because we thought that WBCs were too high. They ended up dropping too low, putting her next chemo in jeopardy.


    Thanks Susie!
    I sent dr. Javle an email, and he said that the increase could very well be from the shots. Thank goodness! I just don’t think it would go up like that in a week. He said look for it to come down in a few weeks. I’m just not sure if I need to take it anymore if it’s going to cause this type of problems.


    I am not sure if Neupogen can cause your Alk Phos to rise. Alk Phos can rise with bone disorders and liver disease. I would ask your oncologist why they think your alk phos went up, it may be related to the chemo or perhaps your underlying condition, but I would talk to your dr about it. Maybe because the neupogen messes with your bone marrow, it is related, but I’m not sure.

    73 is way too high of a white count. I hope they adjusted your neupogen dose? I had a white count of 50 when I was on Neupogen and had such bad bone pain.

    take care!



    My A.F. Went wayyyy up this week. From like normal to 250! The only thing I have been doing different is taking neupogen shots. They did the job, my WBCs are 73! But I wonder if it is what caused this AF to go up, and if so, will it go back down. And if it does go back down, do I need to do the shots again? So confused!

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