Nanoknife Surgery for CCA

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    Thanks Lainy and Eli for your replies.


    Thanks for the post Eli, I need to be a lert on these things and we know we need more Lerts in the world. LOL Never to old to learn. All I know is that for us Cyber Knife was some kind of Miracle!


    Jim, take a look at this previous discussion about NanoKnife:

    It’s very, very informative. Note it includes a couple of posts by Dr. Sonnenday (user name HPB_Txp_Surg). One of his posts explains the difference between NanoKnife and CyberKnife.


    Hi Jim, my husband had a Whipple August 2005. Three years later the CC returned to where the Deuodenum used to be. He also could not have surgery but they did Cyber Knife a robotic radio non invasive procedure. It only took 3 treatments and that was it. Might be worth at least asking about. He was tired at the end of the treatments but that didn’t last very long at all. Best of luck.


    I had whipple surgery back on 03/26/12 for Bile Duct Cancer. I just had a PET Scan and a spot lit up by the porta hepatis vein. My surgeon states that he can not do conventional surgery but I am a candidate for Nanoknife surgery. Has anybody had the Nanoknife for this? How was the surgery and recovery? I live in south florida and this procedure would be done at Sylvester Cancer Center at UM.


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