Experience at MUSC..in Charleston SC.

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    Debbie……I am so sorry to hear of the lack of response from the physician in question. Sometimes, dear Debbie, we have to resort to using our boxing gloves. I would suggest for you to speak with the nurse and request a consultation with the surgeon. If not him, then another surgeon or doctor has to reveal to your Mom the outcome of the surgery. As Lainy had suggested, the oncologist would be a good choice however; you may also want to your out to your Mom’s Primacy Care Physician. He/she should have received the records from the hospital. Mistakes can happen physicians are overworked, hospitals can be disorganized; this is where you need to advocate for your Mom. Stay strong and hold your ground. You are entitled to be given the consideration deserved.
    Please, keep us informed.


    Dear Debbie, vent away, you have good cause. This is unacceptable, at least to me, and I would certainly let the higher ups know at MUSC. I would call Mom’s ONC and tell him what happened and ask him if you could schedule an appointment to see where you go from here/what he suggests. Someone needs to do some explaining to Mom as she has a right to know. 6 months? Psh! read Debbie’s post this morning! So sorry you are having to go through this. Be strong!


    I just have to vent…..We went twice to see the surgeon to have mom’s liver resection at MUSC along with numerous phone calls, tests, etc. (teaching Hospital). We thought we had a “relationship” with this surgeon. We then took mom for her liver resection (which was not successful as they opened her up and saw that it had spread to her lymph nodes). When the surgeon came out to tell us that they could not successfully complete mom’s surgery, naturally we were very upset, and he said he would tell mom. He said she would probably not be here in 6 months to a year. I just can’t believe he NEVER came by to see mom as he was “not rounding that week.” They were even going to discharge mom without even telling her what happened. I finally had to track down a physician and explained to him that mom did not even know her surgery was not successful. Then comes a “fellow”, whom we had not even met, to tell mom the bad news. Also, since this is a teaching hospital, we had more than four “interns” come in and give us four different plans of care/discharge instructions. Her surgeon never did come by to see her and we go to a different surgeon for follow up. Is this what we have to look forward to? What the hell happened to compassion?

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