update on George.

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion update on George.

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    thank you both for the info,george loves the bananna smoothies i make with pure coconut milk,they dont bother him,he also drinks boost with no problem,he can tolerate edys sugar free fruit popcicles,he did eat alittle of his moms homeade bananna pudding,as far as pain,he said its better,about a 3 on the scale…love you all…lynn


    Lynn…has the pain medication kicked in or does he still hurt after he eats?
    I agree with Lainy; good to know that the appointment has been moved up.


    Lynn, have you tried any of the nutrition drinks? My Teddy loved Carnation Instant breakfast, Carnation Instant Breakfast, vanilla with a banana blended in. This has enough nutrition to take the place of a meal or all 3 meals. Also try comfort foods like soup, scrambled eggs, pasta, jello, puddings etc. No big meals rather have him graze all day. Good, on having the appointment moved up. Be strong.


    Hello everyone
    georges Dr called today to tell us that they moved his appointment up from wednesday to monday,so i guess we will find out this comming monday if he can have the surgery.im a wreck at the moment,george is eating a very little,and his weight keeps droping,its so so hard seeing him like this,from 225 lbs in may,to 150 today,got to keep it togather,

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