tomorrow we know

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    Lynn, you need some rest and I can’t think of a better way than to nap with George!
    It IS a lot to wrap ones head around, almost more than any one head can hold. This is why I say we have the most courageous people in the world right here on our Board. I am sending BIG Cyber hugs to the both of you! {}. {}


    Lynn….after a sleepless night for you and George, I hope that you can rest today.


    Sorry to hear the news; the blood clot ,if chronic in nature,can be taken care by long term treatment of Coumadin, In one study,about 39% of the patients took a median of 234days to resolve the problem and restore the patency of the portal vein and therefore may be provide some control of the portal hypertension and varices.

    With regard to the tumors situation, I think systemic chemotherapy like Gemzar and cisplatin or Gemzar+ xeloda will be the logical choices for the distal bile duct tumor along with the tumors in the liver.
    CA 19-9=25 is within normal range of cholangiocarcinoma; but I am a bit surprised by the low Ca19-9 number if the distal bile duct tumor is really originated there and caused his jaundice ; so as the tumor in his pancreas. Normally,except for intrahepatic tumor, if they are malignant; the CA 19-9 number will be much,much higher than 25 (ie: in the >129 level or in the thousands.)
    God bless.


    well,just got home,the news is’nt good,george has possibly 3 leasions on his liver,2 i saw quite clearly,they are about 1 inch dr wants a biopsy to see if it came from the tumor in his pancreas,or if its another cancer,once he finds out,then treatment will begin,Dr said surgery not possible ,his portal vein goes under tumor,and all his bloodwork came back not good.his bili rubin is slightly elevated,and ca19 is 25,i dont understand much about numbers,and dont know whats normal or not.he also has portal hypertention,and a blood clot in his portal sure theres more,i wrote down as much as i could,oh,and because theres a huge piece of bone sticking out off his collar bone,he wants a bone test.i got to go now,to wrap my brain around all this,and maby catch a nap with george,love you all,blessings and hugs…. lynn


    Dear Lynn,

    I know the feeling all too well. We just went through it last week with Lauren. You just have to take deep breaths and whether the news is good or bad, you have to find the best in what you hear. Try to get some rest. I wish you and George all the best.

    Love, -Pam


    Dear Lynn, understandable. The more upset I used to get it seemed the better the news that followed. Strange, I know, but I hope the same for George! We are all with you and anxious too to hear some better news!


    Lynn, the anxiety is so awful. I get it before all my appointments, my minds just won’t settle down. I will pray that God comforts you though the night and also, that treatment options are good tomorrow. If you need someone to talk to someone please feel free to call me 330-903-6868.


    Good evening everybody,tomorrow we go to Dr to find out Georges options,my stomach is in knots,George said he’s scared,so am I.I’m thinking its going to be a sleepless night,my mind is in stealth mode,I can’t settle down’im trying everything under the moon to calm down.I don’t know,I guess I’m rambling on sorry,love prayers and hugs to all.

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