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  • #64935

    Hi Niamh,

    Thanks for letting us know about your dad starting his chemo treatment. I so hope that it works well for him with the best possible results and I will keep my fingers crossed here.

    Best wishes to you and your dad,



    I think that sounds great Sheedy. I hope that chemo zaps it all. All the best.



    Dear Sheedy, sounds like very good news to me! Wishing your Dad the very best with his chemo!


    Hello, my father started his chemo Thursday. The baseline CT they did was very reassuring. It showed no cancer in the liver at all. Just an enlarged lymph node in his abdomen in addition to the primary in his bile duct. This is really good isn’t it?


    Dear Niamh,

    Thanks for letting us know how things went today for your dad with the onc and I am sorry to hear what was said, I know that it is not the news that you wanted to hear. But please, do not give up hope and please do not focus on a time scale and the prognosis. I so agree with Lainy about not listening to time scales. So many people have been given a time frame from a doctor, onc etc and they are still here today.

    I can so understand your dad feeling shell shocked, I and my dad went through that feeling a few times as well. But, after a few days he bounced back every time and I am hoping that your dad will as well. Who knows what the chemo will do, none of us can say for certain either way.

    Once again I will say to please not focus on time frames. Stay strong for your dad and please stay positive as well. And know that we are all here for you and know what you are going through right now.




    Dear Niamh, I am truly sorry to hear this about your father. They had given my husband a 6 month prognosis with Palliative chemo but he chose not to take it. Normally we do not listen to time frames as we were not born with expiration dates.
    No matter what decisions ar made, they will be the right ones. Use this time no matter if it is 1 year or 5 years in making wonderful Memories. Please keep us updated and BE STRONG!


    Hi, we saw the oncologist today. Starting on gemcytobine?? Next week. Prognosis 6-12 months. Palliative chemo. My father is shell shocked.


    Hi Niamh,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry you had to find us all and I’m sorry to hear about your Dad. Glad that you have joined us all here as I know you’ll get a load of support and help from everyone. Our Gerry is from Ireland as well. He had a whipple and hopefully he will be along soon to share his experiences and knowledge of Ireland and where he was, diagnosed, treated, hospitals etc. Was your Dad seen by doctors in a hospital in Dublin or elsewhere?

    Thanks for letting us know what he has been through so far. Please do not give up hope. You have done the right thing in seeking further information about all of this as the more info you have the better you will be informed and that will help you so much. There is so much info here on the site both in the toolbars at the top of the page and also from what the members have shared regarding theres or their loved ones experiences. Using the search forum function at the top of the page will throw up tons of discussions on so many issues.

    And also, please feel free to ask any questions that you have and we’ll do what we can to help in answering them. We are here for you and we know what you are going through. Please stay in touch with us all and let us know how things go for your dad and what the Onc says as well.

    My best wishes to you and your dad,



    Niamh…a warm welcome from me to you. I have pulled a previous posting re: Ireland and possible second opinion: http://www.cholangiocarcinoma.org/punbb/viewtopic.php?id=4343
    and a report from our Gary: hollandg please, scroll down:

    I hope this helps. Please, stay in touch.


    Niamh, thanks for the post on your Dad’s DX, We have only had 1 -2 people on here from Ireland but perhaps they still check in once in a while and can be of help. Looking forward to seeing what the ONC says. Be strong!


    Thank you:) were in Ireland. He’s 67. He became jaundiced 3 mths ago so I brought him to a private hospital an hour away from home. He had ct and MRI there, showed nothing. Then he had ercp after ercp. He had his gall bladder removed then which they thought was his problem and they thought he had a stone in his duct hence the jaundice. The gall bladder was full of stones. He eventually was referred to the main hepatobiliary hospital here. At this point he had a drain for the bile in situ for about a month. He went for endoscopic ultrasound and a biopsy came back inconclusive. He was then scheduled for the whipple for tuesday gone. We were told his tumours are not resectable and chemo is the only option. The problem with second opinions here is the lack of specialists in the country. We are currently under the lead hepatobiliary surgeon here, and we are awaiting the oncologist appt


    Dear Niamh, welcome to our extraordinary family but sorry you had to find us. I read your other post first but will answer here. Where is your Father being treated and how old is he? I am wondering why it took 3 months to diagnose? The best I can tell you from me is to get a 2nd opinion. We really believe in 2nd and 3rd opinions with CC. Try to read up as much as you can about CC as knowledge is the best tool we have to fight it. You have come to the right place and we are all here for you.


    Hi, my name is Niamh. My father was just diagnosed with this cancer. Don’t know much about it. Hoping to learn more here.

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