george feeling better

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    Hi Lynn,

    Thats great to hear about George right now! You say a small acomplishment but hey, lets take that right now! I know that when my dad was able to eat a bit better then he felt a lot better about things too. Nothing like being able to have something to eat and wanting something to eat and that then makes one feel a good bit better too.

    I hope that you and George get some good news on Tuesday from his biopsy and my fingers are crossed for you. And I’m happy to hear you say that you are going out tomorrow for a bite to eat with your ex co worker. I know as well from personal experience that moments like these are invaluable for us carers. Have a good time tomorrow!




    Good news, Lynn!!!! X


    Oh, Lynn, that is such good news about George. Even small moves upward is good to hear. Best of luck on his biopsy. o nice that you are meeting with your ex co worker for lunch, Sometimes a break like that just works wonders. Thanks for the good update!


    Hello everyone,small accomplishment for George yay,he eating better,mostly soup,but hey,that’s OK,he also starting eating grits again a few days ago,his pain is about a 2,a little higher when he wakes up,but its controlled.Hospital called today finally,his liver biopsy is set for Tuesday morning.nothing on the bone scan yet’then radiation once on Wednesday.I’m going to have lunch tomorrow with a ex Co worker who was diagnosed with ovarian cancer last Nov,she finished her chemo in June,can’t wait to see her,I only wish George had the streangh to go.well love hugs and blessings thinking f everyone. Lynn

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