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  • #65249

    Yay for kippers indeed Randi!! I love em! I’ve never heard that about the mercury levels in them Marion, not good. Gonna ask my fishmonger about that when he gets back from his holidays in a weeks time. I can’t be doing without my kippers!




    Randi…I can’t take fish oil capsules either, but instead eat kippers, sardines (in oil) and other fish such as salmon, etc. Kippers (herring) and fish of that sort is known to be high in mercury; it is advised to consume it no more than twice per week. Go figure.


    Percy, thanks! I totally forgot I was also taking Fish Oil for my Tryglycerides! AND my GP had said they were good for migraines which I only get like 2 a year now. The only fish I really like is salmon, trout and tuna. Kippers? Gavin and Randi? Don’t think so. Teddy loved Sardines, probably because of his last name…Sardina LOL No, Randi, I don’t get the burps from F.Oil. Again thanks Percy. Guess I reached a point where I am tired of taking so many “pills’, will just continue, must be the Prednisone giving me wierd ideas again!


    ok, am I the only one who burps fish oil taste all day if I take one? My husband take fish oil capsules religiously but I just can’t!

    Yay for kippers being oily fish too!


    Hi, Lainy and Gavin,

    I know for sure fish oil can help lowering of my high triglyceride level; my Gp ask me to take fish oil and it does lower the level as the lab results indicated.
    But I eat fish once or twice a week instead when I am on Xeloda now; I do not want to have any drug-drug interactions between fish oil, Xeloda and Oncozac.
    BTW, the link below may help unswer Lainy’s question better than me.


    God bless.


    Thanks for that Percy, very interesting. And I like Lainy take 1 cod liver oil capsule each day, think it’s about 1000mg or so. I think that the advice re fish over here in the UK is 2 portions of oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, herrings etc is good for maintaining a healthy heart. Glad that kippers fall into the oily category as they are smoked herrings and I love them!


    A HA Percy, very interesting. I have another kind of Fish question for you. I have taken Fish Oil for years and today saw an article that Fish Oil does NOT do what we are told it does to prevent heart attacks and strokes. That if we eat fish 2 X a week it would be enough. Do you have a take on this?

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