Would you like to volunteer to assist Barbara at ASTRO, Boston?

Discussion Board Forums Announcements Would you like to volunteer to assist Barbara at ASTRO, Boston?

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  • #65366

    Good choice Momma, we’re all with you on that!!


    Well, Gavin, I have been privilideged, honored and beyond the moon to be a Mother, Wife to Teddy, Grandmother and friend. I would give anything if could find a cure for CC and erase this Board except for social posts. So, guess I would want to be a researcher for CC.


    Go Noah’s team in the soccer play off’s! We don’t have play off’s here in the UK, we have leagues and cup competitions. And soccer as you guys call it is our national sport here in the UK, it goes back to the late 1800’s.

    And Lainy, when are you going to decide what you want to be when you grow up??? ;)

    Hugs to you both,



    Good story, Lisa and I am sure if they are your sons, it doesn’t matter what they do, they are good people! Sometimes it just takes a little more time for one to find their niche. I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up! Mmmmm I would settle for healthy! Maybe your son would eventually go back in to Med as we really prefer good looking doctors!


    Lisa…love that story. For some reason I can’t blame the oldest for making the choice of moving to New York. He is young, adventurous, smart, and cute. Fingers are crossed for the modeling job to come through.
    Good luck for Noah and his team. So much effort goes into these games that the play-offs are stressful, but exciting.
    Children have a way of putting us over the edge, but then they make up for it in other ways. I have a daughter and two sons and plenty of gray hair to go with it. But when I see their smiling faces and realize the lovely people they have become I knew that life is good.



    Marion, our youngest son, Noah, is a freshman at Archbishop Hoban High School and he is our soccer player. Our oldest son, Jake, finished up two years of pre-med at The University of Cincinnati in the Spring and then announced he needed a break from school and was going to move to NYC to try modeling. Prior to cancer, this news would have put me over the edge. Cancer has changed my life, if my children are happy, healthy and believe in God, then I am fine with their decisions. Please pray he finds a job ! He came home last weekend to run in the Akron Marathon for our fundraiser and everyone commented on how happy he looked. My husband laughed and said, of course he looks good….living in NYC, running, biking, enjoying life and not working ! Hehehe
    Hugs, Lisa


    Lisa…soccer play-offs are important. I suppose that one of your children is involved. Don’t forget to share with us the details of the game.
    Thanks, Lisa, for wanting to help out. Other opportunities will come about; I will let you know.


    Marion, we will be in soccer play offs but if the opportunity comes up again I would love to go and support our cc family.
    Hugs, Lisa


    The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation will have presence at the upcoming ASTRO conference:

    Percy has received a grant from NORD and will be attending the NORD/DIA conference on rare diseases:

    I am wondering whether someone is interested in supporting Barbara at ASTRO. Please know that we are a volunteer organization therefore, we do not reimburse for your time we do however; reimburse all occurring expenses.

    Please, let me know. You may answer on this site or, contact me at

    Due to the numerous conferences held in Boston, hotel accommodations are impossible to secure however; Barbara is holding one extra room. She will have to cancel the reservation by October 12th unless of course, someone is able and interested in joining her at this conference.

    Thanks and hugs,

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