Message from LynnD (update)

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Message from LynnD (update)

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    Hi Lynn. Whew, glad that first radiation session is over. You might want to ask the Nurses for some warm blankets until George warms up. I am so glad they are looking into a stronger Med along with breakthrough. No need for thanks, I am glad to help and will be by your side as long as you need me. I have to tell the peeps here that you and my brother both shared Chattanooga and your sister in law shared Milwaukee with me. The bigger this world gets the smaller it seems to become! Take care, rest a bit and don’t forget where the paper towels are! Be strong.


    Thank you Lainy for posting for me,and big thanks to all who responded.we are back at hospital,waiting on his pain meds.pharmicist just left,Dr ordered a patch,but with the weight he lost he has no fat any where,so now they are working on something else that will last longer and something for breakthrough.he sleeping now,he handled radiation well,but now he’s real cold.he has to go to radiation everyday for ten days,once surgeon will come in later to talk to us,and this will be the first place I come to.oh and lainy,thank thank you for talking to me on the phone,you are a true to all. Lynn


    Thanks for this Lainy. Glad to hear that Georges pain is now under control and I hope that the radiation treatment works well for him, fingers are crossed here for him!



    Lainy….thanks so much for sharing. Others on this site have benefitted greatly from radiation for spine metastases therefore, I am hopeful for George to be equally as fortunate.
    Please send my love.


    Lainy, thanks for the update. So glad his pain level is under control.


    I just had a call frm Lynn and they took George this morning to a Cancer Center 2 miles from the Hospital for his 1st radiation treatment hoping to reduce the tumor they found on his spine which had fractured his spine. There is no internet service there so she asked me to post this and when they return to the Hospital she will post again. His pain is now under control. Nice lady, enjoyed our talk and she misses not being able to post to all of you! I keep telling you how addictive you all are!

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